TL;DR We are shooting a music video on the 5th of March that will have a 2 week rehearsal process starting around February 19th. Dancers, punk-rock singer, and actors are encouraged to apply, so send me an email for which role you would like to audition for accordingly. Vocal recording sessions with singers will be individually scheduled before the final shoot.
Hello all,
This is a call to all dancers, singers, and actors in the Twin Cities wanting to help out with staging and recording the first two scenes of a musical using My Chemical Romance's music as a "proof of concept" for further funding and eventual production.
This will be an intensive process, as rehearsals will begin around February 19th and, depending on availability, will take place during the evenings on weekdays, and late mornings/early afternoons on weekends (2-3 hours* for Weekdays, and somewhere around 6 hours for the weekends, but people probably won't be called for the entirety of the time). After these 2 weeks of rehearsal, we will be shooting the music video at the Southern Theater on the 5th of March, and will be utilizing the space for the whole day.
Because this is a music video, overdubbing may occur, so even if you don't believe you would be right for a part because of the singing aspect (but think you would kill it acting-wise), simply follow the instructions below, and I will send you a portion of the script from which you can read.
Recording sessions for said overdubbing/general vocal recording will be scheduled individually between the singer and myself, and will take no more than 1 hour per chorus member, and 2 hours per Main character.
Please submit (based on what you would like to be considered for):
A Resume
A Link to a dance reel; Jazz/theatrical/modern with high intensity is preferred
A Link of you singing a portion of a song in the style of the show (punk rock/alt rock/emo) (backing track isn't necessary). Songs being performed in this recording are Cancer, The End./Dead!. (You may be asked to be the overdubbing of a particular role).
An "I wish to apply for an acting position, for the role of...", for any acting opportunities, and I will supply you with a portion of the script to read from and send back to me.
Roles are as follows:
Mr. Rose: 20s-early 40s: Male, Johnny's hero and Father. Sings An A4 (but could be lowered) Optimistic and lover of stories. Is dying of Cancer in these scenes. (Has Lines and Sings Cancer).
Dr. Alimore: Any Age, (must be able to move), any Gender. Sings a G2 if Male, or G3 if Female. a Doctor. (Has Lines and Sings Dead)
Mrs. Rose: 20-30s, Female. No longer loves her Husband. Doesn't quite care for Johnny. (Only sings Dead--you'd receive a portion of the song to act out for acting purposes.)
Ridley: 20s-40s. Male. Main Antagonist. A Sort of Warped Version of Mr. Rose/personification of Grief. (Could be played by the same person). Pre-Cast, but will be receiving acting reels as scheduling issues with the current actor may cause problems. (Only has Lines)
Since this is all on spec, and I am the sole organizer and producer of this project, pay will only be able to be given to people based on their involvement/amount of roles they fill (singer/dancer/actor,etc.). However, no performer will receive more than $100 so that I will have enough money to pay everyone (no matter how little) for their time.
Please email your materials to [email protected], and I hope to hear from you soon!
-Brendan Moir
*This is not a theatrical performance. There will be no paying audience, and all of the work will be done in one day. This project will be designated as a cover/music video upon release, as all of the elements of the video and music recording will be an original creative effort, and all performers/crew will receive credit on the final edit of the video.