Does this mean anything?

For the first time this year, Minnesota is participating in the five-year old Theatre Communications Group program called "Free Night of Theater" where cities around the country offer one night (or, as in Minnesota, a series of nights in one month) of free theater to anyone who wants to come. Tickets became available today -- and by the end of the day, every single available ticket was snatched up. See for yourself. Not a show left to snatch up. Does this mean anything about the demand for theater vs. its normal ticket prices?
Alan M. Berks

Alan M. Berks is a Minneapolis-based writer whose plays have been seen in New York, Chicago, Phoenix, Indianapolis, San Francisco, and around the Twin Cities. He helped create Thirst Theater a while back. Now, he’s the co-founder of this here magazine. He’s also written Almost Exactly Like Us, How to Cheat, 3 Parts Dead, Goats, and more.