The FrINgeSIDER 08/03/2010 12:31pm

I'm in a Fringe show. Actually, I'm in two. One via video and another via being a live person on stage saying stuff. As a Fringe blogger (hereafter referred to as a "Frogger") this is what I bring to the table; I can share my experiences as a performer in an ongoing Fringe show. Fine, right? But as a former Fringe producer of a show no one came to see, I know how much any little bit of publicity means to each of the 169 shows vying for attention and audiences. So here's the turnip in the potato salad: I don't want me or Minnesota Playlist to be in the position of providing publicity to one or two shows that isn't available to all the others. With great power comes great responsibility. On the other turnip, if I ignore the fact that I'm in a show, this Fringe blog ("Frog") will inevitably devolve into a serious of increasingly pointless word clouds. So how 'bout if I write about the experience of being in a Fringe show without mentioning the show by name? Does that work for everyone? Good.