Mo Perry

Observance: An intrepid look at the annual rites of binge theater creation and consumption in the Twin Cities.
Headshot of Mo Perry

Articles by Author

  • Observance 08/15/2010 11:55pm

    Let's try to make this blog a little more interactive, shall we? Regardless of what you may think about actors...
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  • Observance 08/13/2010 9:24pm

    Wow, I guess I had to pay for the awesome Fringe night I had last night sometime. I just left...
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  • Observance 08/13/2010 4:21pm

    You guys! Well, is this a stormy-ass Fringe, or what? Another little maelstrom just swept through and more is on...
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  • Observance 08/12/2010 1:17pm

    It's at about this point in the Fringe Festival when my brain starts to feel like pudding. I'm so deep...
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  • Observance 08/08/2010 1:57pm

    Sorry. It's hot. I saw 5 shows yesterday. It's hot. I already experienced my fill of biking hurriedly around Minneapolis...
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  • Observance 08/07/2010 11:38am

    I'm thinking about wearing the heart rate monitor I use for running all day today. I think it would be...
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  • Observance 08/06/2010 1:16am

    It's late and I just spent way too long looking for a youtube clip that would illustrate how I felt...
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  • Observance 08/05/2010 7:43am

    I had a little painting for many years that was captioned, "'If you hang on to the handle,' she said...
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  • Observance 08/01/2010 8:00pm

    I know you don’t want to think about it yet, but we’re already nearing the tail end of summer. By...
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