Directors Needed for Collection of One Acts

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 19th Annual Collection of One Acts

Eden Prairie Players is seeking directors for its Collection of One Acts production. We have been presenting collections of one acts since 2005. Rehearsals will begin in late July or early August and directors can schedule them according to their own and actors' availability. Two rehearsals a week is typical, but can vary with the needs of the play. Load-in will be on August 24. Tech week will be September 7 - 12 and performances September 13 - 15 and 19 - 22. Additionally, auditions have been scheduled for the evenings of Tuesday, June 25 and Wednesday, June 26.

We would like to hire one director for each play. Stipends for these positions are $125 and up. Directors needed for Collection of One ActsDirectors will be responsible for finding costumes, props, and set pieces, with assistance from our production staff. We have a lot of those items in inventory and, we are good at finding special items on a budget.

Please contact our co-producer, David Durkee, at [email protected] if you are interested. Please enclose a résumé. We can supply scripts for your perusal. Please contact us by June 1 to be considered.

Eden Prairie Players is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion. We strongly encourage people with disabilities and members of the BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ communities to apply for this position, or to join us to participate in other ways.

The plays selected for this production are:

Gary the Bold by Ron Burch

1M, 1F. Comedy. Armed with his bloody axe, Gary the Bold, a Viking, may have some trouble with Human Resources at the delivery company where he works.

Arts and Sciences by Sheri Wilner

1M, 1F. Comedy, Drama. A fine arts and a plant sciences major are both drawn to the same tree on their college campus, though for extremely different reasons. At first dismissive of each other’s work, they both come to see their beloved tree – and each other -- with a new perspective.

Destiny is a Careless Waiter by Julie Zaffarano

2M, 2F. Comedy. Sean invites Emily to dinner to propose marriage. He brings his grandmother’s engagement ring to the restaurant and instructs the server to place the ring in Emily’s dessert. Justin invites Bria to the same restaurant at the same time, planning to “put their relationship on pause.”  When the engagement ring intended for Emily ends up in Bria’s dessert, the chaos begins.

Mighty Rivers by Gretchen OHalloran

2F. Drama. Mighty Rivers is about the playwright's mother, Norma, and the Transgender woman, Lorelei,  who is a new Caregiver at the facility.  These conversations are real.  The characters are real.  The story is slightly fictionalized.

A Tale of Two Spectators by Peter Manos

1M, 1F. Comedy. In a park, a man and a woman secretly watch their respective spouses carry on an affair. As time goes on we realize they have been meeting like this to watch their spouses for quite some time and have even developed something of a bond with each other, despite their predicament. And perhaps they have discovered a little more about themselves and their lives, as well.

A Mustache and a Mattress by Nancy Gall-Clayton

1M, 1F. Comedy. She wants a mattress, he wants to sell her one, but then a mustache changes everything. What might happen next?

Mediation or The Bonapartes Call It Quits by Ellen Abrams

1M, 3F. Comedy. After 14 years of adulterous marriage--on both sides--Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France, is determined to divorce his wife Josephine because she has not been able to bear him a son and heir. Taking their cue from 21st-century mediation techniques, both Napoleon and Josephine seek a civilized divorce and attempt to work out their dispute with the help of a mediator. Unfortunately, their passions still run very hot, and they find it difficult to face the issues that must be resolved before they can move on with their lives.