Mockumentary film roles

Flyer for "Insane Goob Moment"
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Female, Male, Gender-Nonconforming, Non-binary, Trans Female, Trans Male
$45 for one shoot day, mileage reimbursement

I'm shooting one more scene from my upcoming short film, Insane Goob Moment. It's an independently-produced mockumentary that follows Goob Yaluob, a retired actor, statesman, and circus ringleader who has made an indelible impact on American culture. Now in his twilight years, Yaluob reflects upon the good times and the bad, revealing a side of himself never before seen.

In one of the pivotal moments of the film, Yaluob is charged with conspiracy, racketeering, and other crimes he committed as the CEO of a breakfast company. Some of the top attorneys in the country make up the prosecution. In the scene I'm filming, the attorneys gather to discuss their legal strategy against Yaluob.

I'm looking for 2-4 people to play the attorneys and one person to play a law clerk. The attorneys are all speaking parts and the law clerk is silent. Anyone between 30-70 years old is open for these roles.

The filming location is TBD, but I'm looking at several locations in Minneapolis, St. Paul, and Stillwater. The date and time are also TBD, but I want the film to be finished this summer. I expect the shoot to take around two hours. I can schedule a shoot date after talking with the actors.

When the film is finished, I plan to upload it to my personal YouTube and Vimeo channels, and potentially submit it to film festivals.

If you're interested, please send an email to [email protected] or call (612) 790-2352