Why can't I publish right away?
If you just created an account, or this is your first purchase (or show posting), you post will go into an approval process. This prevents bad actors (pun intended) from posting content on the site that can lead to illegal downloads or links to illegal content.
Your post will be approved as soon as possible. Once approved it will take just a few moments for it to appear on the site.
How do I submit feedback?
You can use our contact us page and select from the dropdown (technical issue) to send feedback of any kind about the site.
How do I get my show reviewed?
We'd love to be able to review every show that we receive a press release for. However, we have just a handful of reviewers currently and they pick the shows they'd like to review. Interested in reviewing for Minnesota Playlist? Reach out on our contact us page and use the drop down: press releases and partnerships to connect.
Is there a roadmap for Minnesota Playlist?
While we have a few features we are hoping to bring to Playlist in the future, we don't have an official road map. Most of our updates are coming from community feedback and bugs that we are running into. Stay tuned for a community survey where you can provide input on what features we should add to Playlist in the long term.
Shows & Tickets
How do I post a show on Minnesota Playlist?
Check out this handy tutorial!
Talent Profiles
How do I post a Talent Profile on Minnesota Playlist?
Check out this handy tutorial!
How do I renew my Talent Profile on Minnesota Playlist?
First make sure you DON'T buy a new profile. If you go to the store and try to renew your profile you'll actually be purchasing a new one.
Instead head to MY ACCOUNT, and under My Products you'll see your talent profile. Select RENEW and pay for it through that link in order to renew for another year. You can do this at any time extending your expiration date by one full year from the current date.
How do I crop additional media on my talent profile?
Check out this handy tutorial!
How do I select multiple skills on my Talent Profile?
To select multiple skills on your profile you'll want to hold the 'command' key on a Mac, or the 'control' key on a PC and click on each selection. The selections will highlight and then when you move to the next field will remain highlighted in a grey color.
Note: anywhere on the site where you need to make multiple selections you can use this same process.
Audition Ads
How do I post an Audition Ad on Minnesota Playlist?
Check out this handy tutorial!
Classified Ads
How do I post a Classified Ad on Minnesota Playlist?
Check out this handy tutorial!
Why did you separate Classifieds and Auditions on the new site?
Auditions are one of the most highly trafficked sections of Playlist. In our redesign we wanted to give them a prominence beyond classifieds. This gives actors a dedicated location to see this one section that really matters to them.
Photo by Emily Morter on Unsplash