Costume Designer for Lovelace
Written by Nissa Nordland, Directed by Josh Cragun
nimbus seeks a costume designer for its upcoming production based on the life of Ada Lovelace.
Ada Lovelace was the first computer programmer, and in many ways, she saw the future. Born Augusta Ada Byron, the child of poet Lord Byron, she was raised in an era where women’s roles were incredibly restricted. A brilliant young woman, she was introduced to mathematician Charles Babbage when she was just eighteen years old. Babbage had just invented a machine known as The Difference Engine, and was struggling to explain the importance of his plans for The Analytical Engine to the broader scientific world. Not only would Ada help explain the importance of what became the foundations of modern computing, her vision for what computing could be reached nearly two hundred years into the future. Her thoughts on artificial intelligence are still discussed today.
We think her story is an incredible one, and are seeking designers to help us bring it to life in April, 2025 at The Crane Theater.
Production begins immediately. All nimbus productions are collaboratively created, and our design team is a part of building the story and the world in which it lives in. Applicants should be interested in being a part of building the story and the script along with our playwright, director, and acting ensemble. Stipend is $500, and budget is set based on need by design department. Interested designers should send resumes to [email protected].
Rehearsals begin January 27
Tech Week: April 6 - 11
Performances: April 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27