One Night Only: a musical revue

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“ONE NIGHT ONLY”: a musical revue 

sponsored by Glory Players Theater Company of Messiah Church

Audition day: Tuesday, January 28th, 2024 at Messiah Church

17805 County Road 6, Plymouth, MN starting at 6:00pm

Open to all singers ages 16 and up

Prepare and memorize an upbeat pop/musical theater song of your choice and have music available for our accompanist that you can leave with us. Songs should be performance-ready at the audition. 

Performers will be cast based on the quality of their performance as well as availability for the following rehearsal dates, for the purpose of preparing group numbers for opening and closing as well as some backing for qualifying acts: 


Mondays, February 17th and 24th, 6:30PM at Messiah Church

Saturday, March 8th 9:30AM run through with show band.

Friday, March 14th 6:30 Dress rehearsal

Performance: Saturday, March 15th, 2024 at 7PM


Preparing for auditions:

  • Performers will be cast based on quality and preparation level of the audition performance. 
  • This will be a music-focused/entertainment experience offering opportunities for solos, duets, small groups, and large chorus. All cast members should 

    expect to perform in the full chorus numbers.

Email [email protected] to request a 10 mn audition slot on audition day January 28 or with your questions.