Threshold Theater auditions for Spellbound

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Respond by
Role for
Female, Male, Gender-Nonconforming, Non-binary, Trans Female, Trans Male

About us: 

Threshold Theater is thrilled to announce auditions for Spellbound

Threshold Theater’s mission: 

Produce fresh LGBTQ+ works

Threshold’s mission to produce fresh LGBTQ+ works means we create a place for the voices of the LGBTQ+ community to tell our stories no matter our sexuality, age, race, religion or gender identity through developing and producing the new scripts of living LGBTQ+ playwrights.

Threshold Theater is seeking involvement of people with diverse ages, race and gender identities in our work. We specifically seek and encourage Transgender, Non-Binary, and BIPOC actors to audition.

We are seeking 4 actors, mid to late 20s to late 30s: 

1 female/female identifying

3 male/male identifying

Synopsis of “Spellbound”by Matthew A. Everett

Thanks to his mischievous friend Jeffrey, who’s begun dabbling in witchcraft, Micah has accidentally dosed his best friend Auggie with a love potion.  Which might be fine, if Auggie wasn’t straight, and married, or if Auggie’s wife Sarah wasn’t pregnant, or a practicing witch.  With the help of Duncan, who runs the local metaphysical supply store, the race is on to whip up the antidote before anyone does something they’ll regret.

Cast of Characters:

Micah - male or masc presenting, gay, mid to late 20s to late 30s

Auggie - male or masc presenting, musician, straight-ish, Micah’s friend from college, mid to late 20s to late 30s

Sarah - female or femme presenting, gay, Auggie’s wife, practicing witch, mid to late 20s to late 30s

Duncan - male or masc presenting, gay, works at local metaphysical supply store, mid to late 20s to late 30s

JEFFREY - male, gay, late 20s to late 30s, Micah's friend, amateur pagan dabbling in magic- (already cast)


The characters of Auggie and Micah will need to be able to sing and play the guitar, basic chords and rhythm, nothing fancy required.

The characters of Auggie and Micah will be physically intimate with one another.

The characters of Auggie and Sarah will be physically intimate with one another.

The production will be directed by: Denzel Belin

Rehearsals:  March 10 through April 16, 2025; 6:30pm - 9pm 

Phoenix Theater: 2605 Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55408                       

Actors will not be called every day.


Thursday, April 17, 2025  (invited preview) 

Opening Friday, April 18, 2025 (opening)

Saturday, April 19,2025  

Sunday, April 20, 2025

Monday, April 21, 2025 (Industry Night); 

Friday, April 25, 2025  

Saturday, April 26, 2025

Sunday, April 27, 2025

Friday, May 3, 2025

Saturday, May 4, 2025 (closing)

Phoenix Theater: 2605 Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55408

Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Monday performances are at 7pm

Sunday performances will either be at 2pm or 5pm (TBD)

Audition date, time, and location:

  • Where: Phoenix Theater: 2605 Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55408
  • When: 
    • Saturday, September 14, 2024,10am- 3pm
    • Monday, September 16, 2024,6pm-9pm
    • Call backs if needed: Saturday, September 21, 2024,11 am - 2pm 
    • Actors will be notified no later than 10:00 pm Wednesday, September 18, 2024 if they will be needed for call backs 

Audition Requirements:

  • Reading from sides. Actors do not need to memorize. 
  • Sides will be provided when audition time is confirmed and audition form is returned. You do not need to print sides; they will be available at the audition.   
  • To request an audition time, please email headshot or recent picture and resume along with day(s) & times you are available with the subject line 'Audition Spellbound' to  [email protected] 
  • If you wish to read the full script, please let us know. We will email you the script with your sides.


  • Actors will be paid a $1,000 stipend for rehearsal/performance period

Threshold Theater’s production of “Spellbound” is funded by a grant from the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council (MRAC) through an appropriation from the Minnesota State Legislature with money from the State’s general fund.

All major communication will be communicated via email with the possibility of texts and calls for more time-related communications (stage management calling regarding tardiness, etc)

Any additional questions [email protected]