"Twelfth Night (Or What You Will)" ShakesQueer

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ShakesQueer Ensemble is holding auditions for its August 2024 inaugural production of Twelfth Night (Or What You Will). ShakesQueer Ensemble is a new theater company created by two queer “gals” on a homemade stage in the backyard of their own home. We are committed to cultivating rehearsal spaces that are accepting, collaborative and, most importantly, playful. Let’s tell classical stories in an accessible and gay way!


This production will be co-directed by two University of Minnesota alumni: 

Georgia Doolittle and Lucy Farrell, with musical direction by Georgia Doolittle.

Intimacy and Fight Choreographer: TBD


For ShakesQueer Ensemble’s inaugural season, we aim to use the 16th century text of Twelfth Night to explore the spectrum of gender and sexuality. The play follows two twins, shipwrecked and separated. Both use false identities to make their way through a foreign world, discovering what it means to be perceived as a different gender or status than accustomed. The story contains lessons on how we should treat strangers and the dangers of miscommunications and deceit. Most importantly, the central characters explore the conflict between their own perceptions of self versus others’ perceptions of them. How do we behave when we are observed? How do we behave when our perceptions of self are misaligned with those of others? Twelfth Night dives headfirst into the complexities of love, family, humor and grief (and it’s so gay!). 


8th floor, Guthrie Theater on Sunday, June 23rd from 4-8pm. 

Video auditions can be emailed to [email protected] by June 23rd.

Prepare a 1-2 minute Shakespeare monologue, 16-32 bars of any song acapella 

(and/or if you play an instrument, you are encouraged to accompany yourself or play a little something!)


Please fill out the google form attached ( https://forms.gle/F3qoPcVqqWCPVku58 ) to confirm an audition slot. 






Duke Orsino 



Feste the Fool 

Toby Belch

Andrew Aguecheek 




All roles will be cast through in person and video auditions; no roles are pre-cast. We are seeking actors 18+ and hope to encourage performers of all experiences, abilities, races, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, backgrounds and body types. We believe a story is best told when it reflects the diverse identities of our communities. 

We will split ticket costs equally and aim to fundraise for an additional stipend. 


Possible performance dates: 

Fundraiser/preview - Monday Aug 5th @ 6pm

Performances: August 9-10 @ 6:30pm

Aug 11 @ 1pm 

Aug 12 @ 7pm, PWYC

Aug 16-17 @ 6:30pm 

Aug 18 @ 1pm

The rehearsal schedule will be flexible to the cast’s schedules and conflicts. 

Please feel free to email [email protected] for any further information or questions.