Alexa Jones

Alexa Jones was a performer and director for most of her life in her hometown of Kansas City, at St. Olaf College, and all around the Twin Cities. Now, she goes to rock shows and takes photos.
Headshot of Alexa Jones

Articles by Author

  • Exit music

    And now it's done. Maybe. May comes to an end and of course the journey isn't over. Or I have...
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  • Dirty little secret

    I'm going to reveal a dirty little secret. I love to perform. That has never gone away. No matter how...
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  • The kids are alright

    Mulan. It was Disney. It was Children's Theater. It was ridiculous. And I got choked up SEVERAL times. That...
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  • Optimism from the future

    The Transsomethingsomething Couriers Union I know absolutely nothing about science fiction. I haven't even seen all the (classic) Star Wars...
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  • Great performances

    474246299_146048e422.jpg So after I sent in my last entry, the Minnesota nice kicked in hardcore and all I could think as...
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  • The song does not remain the same

    I am looking around my bedroom walls, a tiny room where I meticulously hung my large collection of rock’n’roll memorabilia...
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