Ashawnti Sakina Ford is an actress, teaching artist and improviser from Minneapolis Minnesota. Her work is mainly centered in social justice and arts accessibility.
Phrases We Should Work to Eliminate in the Rehearsal Room Editorial June 4, 2020 I co-founded the Black Ensemble Players with my dear friend, Antonio Duke, with the mission of putting Black bodies on... read the story
Doing the MFA Thing, Part 2 Editorial April 8, 2020 If you missed Part 1, you can find it here! Days before I flew to Chicago, I remember being... read the story
Doing the MFA Thing, Part 1 Editorial March 28, 2020 I first thought about applying for Grad Schools in 2015, after obtaining my BFA degree. It seemed like the logical... read the story
Thoughts on Authentic Casting Editorial April 8, 2019 “If it is the craft that allows me to transform into any character, then I should be honored for... read the story
Creating Specactors Editorial August 27, 2018 This past July I had the wonderful opportunity to travel to Monrovia Liberia, a country in west Africa inhabited by... read the story
Project, people or money Interview August 23, 2018 And I am back Twin Cities! Highlighting another artist and their hustle to show you all that “YES! We can... read the story
Its Bullsh*t! Interview June 13, 2018 Many theatre artists in our town wear many prop constructed hats for the many roles they play in theatre creation... read the story
There is more room in the body Editorial May 22, 2018 On Saturday May 12th I attended Mixed Blood Theatres Living The Dreamevent. It was a day of panels, workshops... read the story
"you sign up to go into battle for the rest of your life." Interview May 1, 2018 Rushing in from a big gig, as actors often do, I am so happy Sun Mee took the time to... read the story