Damon Runnals

Damon Runnals is the co-founder of Swandive Theatre with Meg DiSciorio, benevolent overlord of Minnesota Playlist, a local D&D Dungeon Master, and father to two amazing girls.

Headshot of Damon Runnals

Articles by Author

  • Community Response



    Original Request

    On June 6th I sent a request for comment to a list of performing arts leaders in...

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  • HUGE Improv Theater's Capital Campaign


    Jill Bernard, Rita Boersma, Sean Dillon, and Butch Roy of HUGE Improv Theater kindly shared their insights about their capital...

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  • Carrying a legacy forward


    On April 30th Red Eye Theatre announced the appointment of seven new artistic directors continuing the organization's artist led model...

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  • More art? Yes Please.


    TheCreative Minnesota 2019 report includes statewide, regional and local looks at nonprofit arts and culture organizations, their audiences, artists...

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  • Welcome to 2019


    From the opinion desk of: The Benevolent Overlord

    The thing I realized about 2018 was that it ended up being a lot...

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  • Re-grooving the Rut


    There is a phenomenon that I experience every time I attend a multi-day learning conference that I call “the rut”...

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  • The (master)mind behind The Bazzness


    Sam Landman is a staple of the Twin Cities performing arts community. He has a deep network of collaborators and...

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