Laura Holway makes offbeat dance works and curates Small Art, an intimate performance series. She likes to throw dinner parties and rocks with her toddler. More at
Laura Holway
Articles by Author
The pros and cons of less traditional spaces
EditorialThis monthly column is dedicated to dance, but in the broadest sense of the word. In the Twin Cities ( the story -
Space is the thing
EditorialThere are no fewer than twenty people sitting in couches and chairs around our house at the first living the story -
Best of 2012-2013: The audience comes alive
EditorialTwo things... #1-- I am often that introverted person guilty of attending performances with minimal human interaction. I buy the story -
The burpy beauty of Open Eye Figure Theatre
EditorialLike many of you reading this, I’m not exactly sure what causes me to become smitten with a particular the story -
10 local lessons for making your art work
EditorialAfter completing a major project in the Spring of 2011, I found myself in a complicated place of artistic the story -
How do we watch modern dance?
EditorialAlthough I suggest that you see more dance, I really couldn’t tell you how to watch it. I often the story -
REVIEW: Hijack and Chris Yon at Outlet Performance Festival
ReviewWinter has made me more intentional about leaving my house. I know that, in theory, getting out is easy the story -
More Mad King Thomas
ReviewEditor's Note: This article was originally published as credited to Four Humors Theater. That would be an amazing feat the story