Stacey Dinner-Levin received her MA in Human Development from St. Mary’s University and BA’s in Social Work and Women’s Studies from the University of Minnesota. For five years she led the PACER Center “Count Me In” program promoting disability awareness to schoolchildren. Two of her scripts dealing with autism and ADHD are still in use by PACER. Her one-act shorts Preaching to the Choir and Mosticiolli Hanukkah were part of Illusions Theater’s Festival of Lights. A published author of several articles on autism as well as miscarriage, her writings have appeared in national newsletters and are used by physicians and support groups nationwide. She is the mother of four boys, the eldest of whom was diagnosed with autism in 1993. Autistic License is Dinner-Levin’s first full-length play and was named one of the Ten Best Plays Of 2007 by the St. Paul Pioneer Press and was featured American Theater Magazine in 2010. The original production remounted for film was accepted into film festivals in Fort Lauderdale, New Jersey, South Africa and the Family Film Festival of Burbank where it won “Best Educational Film” in 2010. To learn more about Autistic License, please visit