William Sturdivant

William Sturdivant is a classical actor and poet. He studied at the University of MN/Guthrie Theater Actor Training Program and has performed in many classical companies across the country. Next up, Will can be seen in The Comedy of Errors with Ten Thousand Things Theatre Company, The Tempest at Guthrie Theatre and as Kat in a gender-reversed production of The Taming of the Shrew at Great River Shakespeare Festival in July 2022.  His latest book of poetry, titled, Bounty: a pilgrimage in process is currently being reviewed for publication. You can find out more by emailing [email protected] , and following @wspoetry on Instagram.

Headshot of William Sturdivant

Articles by Author

  • Can I trust you, World?



    A global event.


    An awakening

    A shaking

    A flattening of privilege, color and creed.


    A virus with...

    read the story