Zoe Michael

Zoe Michael loves creating, participating and supporting productions of all kinds, including theater, dance, puppetry, drag, and strange mixtures of all of these. Originally from Santa Fe, New Mexico, Zoe has found her home in the Twin Cities where she works as a director, actor, baker and waitress.

Headshot of Zoe Michael

Articles by Author

  • Mostly bright half life


    Tanya Barfield’s Bright Half Life is a daring undertaking: to tell the story of an interracial queer relationship in a...

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  • The communal comfort of 'Dykes Do Drag'

    Every Sunday morning my girlfriend and I get brunch at grungy little restaurant in her neighborhood. The food is delicious...
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  • REVIEW: "Bohemian Flats" at Nimbus Theatre

    Sometimes I map out my weeks with amusing ferocity—scrolling through Facebook, calling up friends, and perusing reviews to figure out...
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