Merrill Arts Center hiring all positions for 2024-2025 Season - Open until filled

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MAC 24-25 Season

Merrill Center for the Arts Hiring Production Staff for the 2024-2025 Season in Woodbury:
Email resume, 3 references, and cover letter mentioning the positions you are seeking to [email protected].

Positions include Director, Movement Choreographer (for Madeline’s Christmas), Vocal Music Director (we use tracks, but a keyboard/piano are available too), Set Designer/Builder (with volunteer assistants if desired), Costumer, Props Designer, Lighting Designer, Sound Designer, Board Ops, Stage Manager, Assistant Stage Manager, Technical Director/Coordinator. Positions range from $300 to $1200 DOE. For individuals with the experience and stellar references to back it up, we may be able to pull more from other budget items. State your rate. We are rebuilding following the performance venue shutdowns, and cash is tight, but we are growing. Up to $200 per position per show available for mileage reimbursement to East Ridge High School in Woodbury.

Charlotte's Web. The straight play – not the musical. Rehearses Friday evenings and Saturday afternoons Sept-Oct. Load in Oct 12; Dry tech without actors Oct 14-15 in the evening; Tech Oct 21-24; Performances 5pm call for 7pm performances Oct 25, 26 and Nov 1, 2; 12:00 call for 2pm performances Oct 26-27 and Nov 2-3; Strike following Nov 3 performance. Black Box show. No calls during MEA. Seeking all positions except Director.

Madeline's Christmas/Holiday Festival/Holiday Lockdown. A children’s musical and a hysterical original one-act. Rehearsing Oct, Nov – Monday through Friday evenings. (Loft) Load in Nov 25-27 4-11pm; Tech Dec 2-6 4pm-11pm; Performances noon call for 2pm matinees Dec 7-8 & 14-15. 5pm call for 7pm performances Dec 7 & 14. Strike following Dec 15 show. No calls during Thanksgiving weekend. Seeking all positions except Director.

New Play Festival (Black Box) - Load in March 15; Performances 5pm call for Feb 17 & 24 7pm readings; noon call for Feb 22 and Mar 1 readings at 2pm. Rehearsals Mondays and Wednesdays or Tuesdays and Thursdays in January and February. Staged Readings. No memorization and minimal/no blocking. Seeking Directors and Stage Managers.

Looking Glass Land (black box) - Load in April 12 - Dry tech evenings April 14-18, Apr 19; Tech April 21-24. Performances 5pm call for April 25 and May 2 7pm shows; noon call for 2pm April 26-27 & May 3-4 2pm shows; Strike following May 4 show. Rehearsals Friday evenings and Saturday afternoons in March and April. Seeking all positions except Director.

Annie, The Musical (Loft) – Auditions May 17 & June 7. July 7 load in - Dry Tech July 8-12; Tech July 14-17; 5pm call for 7pm shows July 18, 25; noon call for 2pm shows July 19-20 & 26-27. Strike after July 27 show. Rehearsals Monday through Thursdays, June 9-July 10 5-10pm (no rehearsal July 4-6). Seeking all positions except Director

Directors with proposals, please reach out to [email protected] with a list of the top 5 shows you want to do.


MADELINE’S CHRISTMAS - Details for positions...

Respond by: September 30, 2024 if possible – all positions will continue to interview until filled. Fee commensurate with experience. 

Merrill Center for the Arts is hiring for our winter youth show, MADELINE’S CHRISTMAS.

Seeking: Stage Manager, Assistant Stage Manager, Lighting Designer, Sound Operator, Costumer (details below).

Important Dates:

  • Auditions held on September 21 and Oct 5.
  • Rehearsals will be scheduled on Mon-Thursday evenings in three-hour increments, beginning October 21.
  • Performances at East Ridge High School’s Loft Stage - December 7 & 8, 14 & 15. 

APPLICATIONS ARE DUE 9/30/24. Positions will continue to interview until filled.

Please send a resume and cover letter to [email protected] to be considered for multiple shows. Or directly to [email protected] for consideration for only Madeline’s Christmas. Interviews with qualified candidates will be scheduled for early October 2024. 


General Production Team Member Responsibilities

  • Attend production meetings (scheduled based on availability)
  • Communicate with production team members via email and in person
  • Contribute to a positive attitude while at rehearsals and performances


MOVEMENT DIRECTOR (Stipend ~ $750 )

The movement director works with and teaches physical parts to the youth cast with a broad range of abilities and experiences. The movement director should be attuned to what is happening in rehearsals, observing what is happening and how it impacts the overall aesthetic of the show. Does not need to attend all rehearsals. Looking for someone who can stage innovative movement – pillow fight that turns into snowstorm, kids “flying” through the space on flying carpets, etc. Viewpoints, choreography, or other movement directing technique and experience required. 

Movement Director Responsibilities

  • Meets with director and music director to understand vision of the show
  • Attends rehearsal 1-2 days per week, leading 1 session
  • Choreographs, teaches and rehearses all musical numbers with performenrs working with cast of all ages, abilities and experiences
  • Holds any additional rehearsals (within reason) to accomplish learning of movement aestitic of the show.


STAGE MANAGER (Stipend ~ $500)

The stage manager plays a critical role in cast management and bringing together the production. This person should be an excellent communicator and relationship builder, possess strong detail orientation, and exhibit collaboration skills.  The stage manager serves as the main communicator between production team and cast, including parents/guardians.  We have many existing resources and systems that a stage manager can make use of.

Stage Manager Responsibilities

  • Main point of communication for cast members and their families throughout the show process (includes weekly email communications, answering emails daily, etc.)
  • Organize and share production resources
  • Monitors all rehearsals, arriving early and staying late to answer questions and set up/tear down
  • Organizes crew members for performances by soliciting parental volunteers for performances and creating a volunteer schedule
  • Manages Tech week and calling cues during performances. 



The assistant stage manager is a key contributor to the show, assisting the stage manager in executing the many functions of cast management and the technical aspects of the show.

Auditions & Rehearsal Responsibilities:

  • Attend auditions and assist the Directors in seeing all potential cast members and collecting pertinent data.
  • Work with Stage Manager to ensure coverage of rehearsals, all tech week rehearsals, and all performances. (ie - set-up and clean-up of the space)
  • Assist SM with the organization and disbursement of cast materials
  • Assist with rehearsals; this includes blocking notes/notetaking or helping cast management during all-cast rehearsals (ie - helping youth cast members get the most out of the rehearsal process).
  • Help keep cast members on track at rehearsals in positive and effective ways

Performance Responsibilities:

  • In charge of props for performances, including creating props lists and supervising packing/setting up of props each night
  • Assist with set-up and tear down of all performances
  • Work all performances


LIGHTING DESIGNER (Stipend ~ $600)

The Lighting Designer is responsible for the lighting vision of the show. This person will work with the existing resources of East Ridge High School’s Loft performance space to create a visual cohesion with the scenic design (which is primarily projections). 

  • Works collaboratively with the directors to create the overall aesthetic for the show.
  • Uses ERHS’s lighting inventory to build and alter lighting cues throughout the tech prep and tech week schedule (November 25 & 26, December 2-6).
  • Provides Stage Manager with primary list of lighting cues prior to December 2 
  • Attends dress rehearsals to make adjustments and repairs as needed
  • Restores the hang to the house plot after the closing performance on December 15. 
  • Stays within allocated lighting budget; communicating with Producer & Director about any budgetary concerns


SOUND OPERATOR (Stipend ~ $600)

The Sound Operator is responsible for ensuring that the music and performer microphones are in line with the vision of the show. This person will work with the existing resources of East Ridge High School’s Loft performance space to create auditory cohesion with the vision of the show. 

  • Works collaboratively with the directors to create the overall aesthetic for the show.
  • Uses ERHS’s sound inventory to build and alter cues, and microphone usage throughout the tech prep and tech week schedule (November 25 & 26, December 2-6).
  • Provides Stage Manager with primary list of sound cues prior to December 2 
  • Attends all dress rehersals and performances; mixing the 15 body mics in use, executing recorded tracks and and making adjustments and repairs as needed
  • Clean and restore equipment after the closing performance on December 15. 
  • Stays within allocated sound budget; communicating with Producer & Director about any budgetary concerns.
  • Contribute to positive attitude while in attendance


COSTUMER (Stipend ~ $600)

The costumer is responsible for the artistic costuming vision of the show.  This person has the unique opportunity of using existing inventory, creating new pieces, and helping cast members find underdressing and shoes for their costume.

​​​​​​​Costumer Responsibilities:

  • Works collaboratively with the director to create a vision for the costumes of the show.
  • Uses MCA costume inventory when possible, keeping records of where the costumes are stored. 
  • Acquire, build and alter costumes as needed.
  • Communicates with cast/families about their costume responsibilities and provides assistance with resources for acquiring items if needed.
  • Assists by assembling necessary costumes for publicity photos early in the rehearsal process.
  • Keeps record of who costumes are assigned to. 
  • Attends dress rehearsals to make adjustments and repairs/alterations as needed
  • Available for laundry & repair during the run (if needed).
  • Collects and checks in all costumes at end of run, coordinates volunteers for washing/cleaning (in collaboration with production manager) and returns all costumes to their original storage location.
  • Stays within allocated costume budget; communicating with Producer & Director about any budgetary concerns.