Threshold Theater Hiring Production Positions Spring 2025

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Threshold Theater is looking for a Stage Manager, Set/Prop Designer, Intimacy
Coordinator and Costume Designer for the world premiere production of “Spellbound” by Matthew A. Everett and directed by Denzel Belin

Threshold Theater is seeking involvement of people with diverse ages, race and gender identities in our work. We specifically seek and encourage Transgender, Non-Binary, and BIPOC artists to apply.

Synopsis of “Spellbound” by Matthew A. Everett
Thanks to his mischievous friend Jeffrey, who’s begun dabbling in witchcraft, Micah has accidentally dosed his best friend Auggie with a love potion. Which might be fine, if Auggie wasn’t straight, and married, or if Auggie’s wife Sarah wasn’t pregnant, or a practicing witch. With the help of Duncan, who runs the local metaphysical supply store, the race is on to whip up the antidote before anyone does something they’ll regret.
The story of the play takes place in the present time, with a cast of 5. Beginning of set note from playwright: “Setting: keep it simple. Scenes should flow smoothly from one pool of light to the next with no blackouts.” (More detailed description included with full script.)

Seeking Production Team:

  • Stage Manager

Works with the director, writer and producer in coordinating all aspects of the production, from first production meeting through rehearsals and tech; supervises the production from opening night through all performances to strike.
Pay: $1,200


  • Set/ Prop Designer
    • Works with the director and writer in designing the show’s set and props and with the technical director in overseeing its build. Would need to be at load in and strike.
      Pay: $700
      Set / Props Budget: $600
  • Intimacy Coordinator
    • Works with the director, stage manager, and writer, to help ensure the safety and well-being of actors in intimate scenes.
      Pay $500
  • Costumer
    • Works with the director, and writer to design the costume plot and is responsible for its build and maintenance of costumes and accessories, for 5 actors, modern dress. Would need to be at load in and strike.
      Pay: $700
      Costume Budget: $275


  • Dates:
    First production meeting no later than this week of Feb. 23-28, 2025
    Rehearsals start March 10 through April 16, 2025; 6:30pm - 9pm
    March 10, 2025 First rehearsal - designers present designs
    March 24-27, 2025 2nd production meeting to take place
    Final designs to be presented no later than this meeting.
    April 7-11, 2025 3rd production meeting to take place
    • Performances:
      April 17, 2025 Spellbound invited preview performance
      April 18, 2025 Spellbound opening 7pm performance
      April 19, 2025 Spellbound performance 7pm
      April 20, 2025 Spellbound possible matinee 2pm or early performance 5pm
      April 21, 2025 Spellbound industry Night 7pm performance
      April 25, 2025 Spellbound performance - 7pm
      April 26, 2025 Spellbound performance 7pm
      April 27, 2025 Spellbound possible matinee 2pm or early performance 5pm
      May 2, 2025 Spellbound performance 7pm
      May 3, 2025 Spellbound closing performance 7pm
      May 4, 2025 Spellbound strike
      Location: Phoenix Theater: 2605 Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55408

Submission Requirements:

  • To read the script and set up a conversation with the director, writer, technical director and producer, please email your resume, and desired time with the title of the position you are interred in on the subject line to [email protected]
    • Time will be slotted in 15 min sections  
      • Wednesday Dec 4th from 6-8pm   
      • Saturday Dec 7th from 10-1pm


Threshold Theater’s production of “Spellbound” is funded by a grant from the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council (MRAC) through an appropriation from the Minnesota State Legislature with money from the State’s general fund.

Threshold Theater’s mission:
Produce fresh LGBTQ+ works
Threshold’s mission to produce fresh LGBTQ+ works means we create a place for the voices of the LGBTQ+ community to tell our stories no matter our sexuality, age, race, religion or gender identity through developing and producing the new scripts of living LGBTQ+ playwrights.

Any additional questions [email protected]