It's All in the Store


When we go live with the new Minnesota Playlist site one thing that is going to be a big change for many of you will be seeing the “Post a show” option in the store.

record scratch

“Wait. What? Now I need to pay for a calendar posting to get my show on Playlist!?” flips table

Not quite.

The change is as easy as this: instead of going to the side navigation bar, clicking on calendar to get the drop down, and selecting “Post a show (free)”; you’ll now go to the store, “buy” a calendar posting (for free), checkout, and then post your show - you’ll find the ‘product’ listed on your account page along with all your other items just like you do now.


In the new Minnesota Playlist all content types (talent profiles, classified ads, banner ads, calendar posts, etc) will exist as something you purchase through the store. Some of those items will be free, and some will be a fee. This makes it easy to find everything in one spot and allows us in the future to just add store products if we decide to create new options based on the needs of the community. Additionally, this move provides some flexibility on our backend to do more things in the future, as well as creates some processes that will help protect the site over time.

The store was one of the first opportunities I looked at upgrading when I purchased Playlist back in 2017. Unfortunately, it is so tied to the way the site works that making any significant changes would require restructuring a ton of the existing site. And that’s why this was toward the top of the list when I contracted with Ten7.

Finally, community members will notice in the store another slight difference: Auditions and Classified Ads are now separate items to purchase. Without spoiling too much - this ties into the new site’s look and feel and the way we have it structured.

I hope you’ll enjoy the new store and shopping cart experience (more on that in a future post) when we launch the new Minnesota Playlist later this fall.

Headshot of Damon Runnals
Damon Runnals

Damon Runnals is the co-founder of Swandive Theatre with Meg DiSciorio, benevolent overlord of Minnesota Playlist, a local D&D Dungeon Master, and father to two amazing girls.