FTL Week 5: Classic Play Edition


New rules for week 5:

What is your fantasy local cast for the classic play All My Sons by Arthur Miller? Click on "Post Your Fantasy Team" below, fill All My Sons into the title, add a team name, then fill these roles with whatever local superstar you can imagine: Joe Keller, Kate Keller, Chris Keller, and Ann Deever. Also pick a director.

Will you sell tickets from brilliant casting? Or will you put a spin on it? Perhaps you think the show would best be re-conceived on the moon or in the backyard of the White House? Fill that in under concept.

Let your fantasies run wild.

P.S. Congratulations to 70 Scenes of Halloween which came from behind late to take first place in Week 4 FTL. And, we think it worth mentioning that team Populism, Yeah, Yeah came in last place this week. Apparently, one person's populism is another person's pandering. Might we learn something from this, Players?

Minnesota Playlist readers