Georgiana & Kitty: Christmas at Pemberley at Lyric Arts is Like They Caught Joy in a Bottle and Sprayed the Audience With it.

Georgiana & Kitty: Christmas at Pemberley by Lauren Gunderson & Margot Melcon is the third and final entry in the Christmas at Pemberley cycle of plays that revisits the Bennet family from Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. The other two plays Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley and The Wickhams: Christmas at Pemberley were performed in 2022 and 2023 at Lyric Arts. Now if you didn’t see the previous plays I can assure you that you will not be lost. They are designed to be seen as individual plays, seeing the others allows you to see how they all fit together, but is entirely unnecessary. That said if you can see the others anywhere now or in the future do so! I love all three of these plays and will see them again and again. When you see as many plays as I do in a year the ones you saw last Christmas become fairly hazy. I saw Georgiana & Kitty: Christmas at Pemberley at the Jungle Theater in 2022 and loved it loved the cast, this production just obliterated any memory I had of it. The cast of this production is astonishingly great. There isn’t a look or a line reading, whether it be comedic or heartfelt, that isn’t done to perfection! Whatever magic Jane Austen had, she has passed on to Lauren Gunderson & Margot Melcon because I get the same tears of boundless joy whether I’m experiencing Austen’s works or theirs. They capture the exact same emotional response, which is a swell of overwhelming happiness.
This story focuses on Georgiana Darcy, Mr. Darcy’s younger sister, and Kitty Bennet, Lizzy Darcy’s youngest sister. It’s their turn to find and possibly lose love. The two girls have become the best of friends and spend much of their time together. For Georgiana, love comes in the person of Henry Grey whom she has only met once after a piano recital but has been corresponding with via letters for almost a year and has invited him to visit on Christmas. They both have fallen in love with each other through their letters and a shared passion for music. When they finally meet again at Pemberley, they are both so shy it will require their friends and family to get them to come out and tell each other how they feel. Accompanying Henry is his friend Thomas O’Brien who is instantly smitten with Kitty. So now we have the two pairs of lovers and in true Austen form, there will be letters that reveal secrets, arranged engagements, and meddlesome siblings. The hazards are many, not the least of which is Mr. Darcy who by the end of Act I will have seemingly torpedoed the match between Henry and Georgiana. Act II takes place about six years later on another Christmas and I’ll be damned if I didn’t want to stand up and shout “It’s a Christmas Miracle!” at the end. There was always a message in the script about gender equality and the reality of the lives of women at that time in history, but it feels even more timely and urgent than it did just two years ago.
I know what a third of you are saying, “it’s a chick play”. First of all, I don’t think you should say that, I know what you mean, but it sounds kinda derogatory. Secondly, no it isn’t. Steel Magnolias is a chick play, a very good one by the way. But Georgiana & Kitty: Christmas at Pemberley is a universal play, it is concerned with love, that is an emotion that all genders have experience of. So mothers, girlfriends, and wives don’t be afraid to take the men in your lives to this, and men don’t be put off by Jane Austen or showing an emotion now and then. I promise you will laugh, you may cry, and in the end you will not regret the two hours you spent in the theater. In fact this is the kind of show that will have you asking next year “So is anyone doing one of those Christmas at Pemberley again this year? I’d go with you if you wanted to go.” While we are on the topic of next year, though maybe this is a two year away thing. Some theater company, the Jungle Theater or Park Square perhaps needs to make the bold decision to produce the entire trilogy in Rep. That would be amazing, let’s get to work on that shall we? While we are planning that I’d like to suggest that you sign up Marci Lucht to direct it as she did and absolutely phenomenal job with this production at Lyric Arts. There is an interlude at the opening of Act II that acts as a dialogue free exploration into the minds of the characters, showing through movement a combination of what is in the characters hearts and the passage of those six years. It’s inspired bit that I don’t think is scripted, but that was beautiful in execution, like the set had come alive and we are watching a ballet of pillars.
I’ve already praised the entire cast so I’ll try not to go on too long and mention everyone, but I have to make a few remarks. Morgan Kempton and Waverly Ann McCollum play Georgiana and Kitty respectively and you couldn’t ask for better leads. Kempton, uses her characters quiet demeanor in the first act to express her uncertainty and then modifies the same quality in Act II to show an inner strength determination. McCollum shows Kitty to be insightful and energetic, her leaps over the bench in Act I showcase her energy and youthfulness and get a nice laugh. Grace Klapak who is returning to the role of Lydia perfectly plays the least endearing character Austen ever created. Klapak is spot on in her portrayal, she carries herself perfectly, slouching when bored pumping herself up when she wants to be noticed. She knows exactly how far to take it so we understand everyone’s annoyance with her, without actually becoming annoying to us, but rather coaxing laughs from us with her characters unpleasant characteristics. Noah Hynick, frankly I don’t think I’ve ever seen Hynick be anything but perfect in a role. I’m not sure how Lyric Arts seems to have him under exclusive contract, after a performance like this I ask myself again, why isn’t this guy cast in everything at the Guthrie. He is as gifted in his gestures and reactions as he is in his line reading choices. The first time I can remember coming across Mr. Hynick was in 2022 when he appeared in Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley at Lyric Arts and since it feels like he’s been in most of Lyric Arts productions, his timing is unerring, and it’s time to officially add him to the must see list, though he was already there to be honest. William Edson plays Mr. Grey which was the one role I can clearly remember from the Jungle Theater production. It was the first time I really took note of Dustin Bronson because he was amazing, I can’t say that Edson was better, but I can say he was as good! Lastly, I loved seeing Faith Winship as Elizabeth Darcy, she made a strong impression last year in a couple of shows, The Marvelous Wonderettes and She Loves Me, I hope to see more of her soon.
Georgiana & Kitty: Christmas at Pemberley runs through December 22nd at Lyric Arts in Anoka. For more information and to purchase tickets go to
Morgan Kempton and the cast of Georgiana & Kitty: Christmas at Pemberley Photo by Molly Weibel