Kinky Boots Makes a Splash at Lyric Arts in Anoka

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Kinky Boots might just be the best thing playing in the Twin Cities area right now. Based on the 2005 film the musical features a book by Harvey Fierstein and music and lyrics by Cyndi Lauper, that’s a winning combination and it pays off big time. They provide the basis for the show but it’s the cast that really makes this show sing. I usually prefer to use production photos in my reviews, but I wasn’t provided one that really showcased the three outstanding leads Grace Hillmyer, Mitchell Douglas, and Erik Speegle. Speegle plays Charlie whose family shoe business, Price and Sons, is not how he wants to spend his life. After his father’s sudden death he has to return home to take care of business, only to find that the business is family but no one wants well made shoes anymore, they want cheap shoes. After a chance encounter with Lola, a drag queen played by Douglas, he hits upon the idea of making the titular kinky boots, based on a suggestion from Lauren, played by Hillmyer. Rather than close down the shoe factory the decide to try and save it by catering to a niche market, crossdressing men. Will they save the factory? Will the factory workers accept Lola as the new designer? Will they even accept Lola as a person? Even if I told you the answers you’d still need to see the show, it’s not about the story it’s about the message and the way it’s delivered. Director Vanessa Brooke Agnes has made the journey to these answers one well worth taking.

Kinky Boots might just be the best thing playing in the Twin Cities area right now.

If there is a flaw with this show it’s in the script which should have given the character of Lauren, played by Hillmyer, more time. Hillmyer’s portrayal is so adorably quirky, everytime she gets the spotlight she sparkles but not in a flashy way it’s more of a twinkle. It’s hard to say what it is about the performance other than it’s great character work, it’s comedic, and vulnerable and undeniably endearing to the audience. She’s in love with Charlie who doesn’t get to sparkle, he’s the one with all the responsibility and Speegle, whose new to me does a nice job playing the straight man, though at times he seems a little unsure what to do with his hands. Where he gets to shine is whenever he sings, as good as everyone in the cast is, Speegle for my money had the best voice, possibly second to Daze Bishop who as George, the factory manager and part of the ensemble, only got a brief moment of singing on their own, but it was eye opening. Undoubtedly the star of the show is Mitchell Douglas whose performance as Lola sparkles in the flashy way that Lola would not have any different. Douglas moves as if he was born wearing heels and he nails Jaclyn McDonald’s choreography. In full drag costume he is stunningly beautiful, with attitude and confidence to spare. Then suddenly there are moments in his performance of vulnerability, it’s a remarkable performance and it deserves to be seen by as many people as can get tickets. Hats off to the entire cast but particularly to those playing Lola’s Angels, his backup drag queens, they have the moves down, and it was such a pleasure to watch their performances, they all were amazing. 

It’s not often with my schedule that I even entertain the idea of seeing a show more than once. But Kinky Boots is one I’m seriously considering a second trip to see. The show runs through August 11th at Lyric Arts in Anoka for more information and to purchase tickets go to

photo credit: Molly Weibel

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Headshot of Rob Dunkelberger
Rob Dunkelberger

Rob is a member of the Twin Cities Theater Bloggers and their podcast Twin Cities Theater Chat as well as a syndicating contributor to Minnesota Playlist. Read all his content