Laws of the Jungle

Part 1: How does a season take shape? On planning 3 years in advance and planning for a lifetime; the big board; developing seasons and staff organically; visualizing plays before they can be done; and burning cash for the art while respecting the audience's hard-earned money.

Laws of the Jungle: Part 1 from Minnesota Playlist on Vimeo.

Part 2: What plays fit the Jungle Theater best? On the intimacy of the venue and production and craft; poetic distillation and alchemical-poetic energies; and the mid-20th century repertory.

Laws of the Jungle: Part 2 from Minnesota Playlist on Vimeo.

Part 3: How do you know which plays will succeed? On making everything a hit; universality; the story of Sylvia’s success; the rhythm of the box office and predicting and the unpredictable; word-of-mouth and the Jungle drums; and people wanting to see something related to their mood after 9/11.

Laws of the Jungle: Part 3 from Minnesota Playlist on Vimeo.

Part 4: How does it all come together? On the invisible nature of the process; a play like a child; actors and audience coming together; and the challenge to feel.

Laws of the Jungle: Part 4 from Minnesota Playlist on Vimeo.
