MinnesotaPlaylist.com is ice cream

110,221 number of page views MinnesotaPlaylist.com experienced in the last thirty days. We've been over 100,000 per month for two months now. 31,380 number of unique visits to the website in the last thirty days. We've entertained more than 30,000 for the last two months. 19.72% percent of visits that are new in the last month. Every month around 80% are loyal readers and 20% are new, soon-to-be MinnesotaPlaylist.com lovers. 1366 number of unique visitors on the website this Monday. 1214 number of unique visitors this Tuesday. We've been enjoying over 1200 visits a day, Monday thru Thursday, since almost the beginning of the year. Thanks for visiting. Wanna work for us too? We're hiring. 1. Editorial Assistant: Primary responsibilities include overseeing the calendar listings and communicating with MinnesotaPlaylist.com members with as much writing for the magazine as you can handle and some copyediting and editorial brainstorming. We will pay a modest hourly fee for approximately 5 hours a week. Some additional fee for writing is negotiable (depending on what you're writing). Email Alan a paragraph about why you're interested. P.S. We want to thank Anna Sundberg for helping us with all this for the past year. We're happy to report that she's too busy these days as an actor to continue as our editorial assistant. We hope she continues to be too busy for us far into the future. 2. Sales and Marketing Help: Help us sell ads, find sponsorship, and spread the word about the amazing services on the website. A good commission on sales is available. Email a resume if you got experience and a love for the performing arts community. Also, if you know anyone, any company, or business who wants to sponsor or otherwise support the website and build on all the local eyeballs we enjoy -- or take advantage of those eyeballs economically -- please send them our way. If you're one of those people, don't hesitate to call. 612-886-2868. We don't bite. We're like ice cream. Tasty and smooth and fun. We've got all kinds of grand plans for more features and cooler articles and wild issues. Plus, we've heard your helpful suggestions. We could use a little more investment to make it all happen. Thank you for being such a fun community to write and read about.
Alan M. Berks

Alan M. Berks is a Minneapolis-based writer whose plays have been seen in New York, Chicago, Phoenix, Indianapolis, San Francisco, and around the Twin Cities. He helped create Thirst Theater a while back. Now, he’s the co-founder of this here magazine. He’s also written Almost Exactly Like Us, How to Cheat, 3 Parts Dead, Goats, and more.