REVIEW: The whole crazy adventure

Editor's Note: Today is MinnesotaPlaylist's 6th birthday. If you'd like to get us a small birthday present, you can over at Indiegogo. We'll use it to help the website grow up well-rounded and strong.
Two things to note, by way of introduction:
- I was headed to Chicago on opening night of Alice in Wonderland from Joe Chvala and Flying Foot Forum, and so could only attend last Thursday’s preview. I promised Joe I would take that into account, and who are we if we don’t keep our promises.
- Many years ago, in New York City, I got what seemed at first to be a very bad review. For literally 19 paragraphs (of course I counted) the critic took my work apart, patiently and with meticulous detail. Then came the 20th graph, which began with a surprising turn: “In spite of all this, the play is mesmerizing.”