‘Til Death: A Marriage Musical from Bucket Brigade Theater at Art House North in St. Paul

Nathan Cousins, Jeremiah Gamble, Damian Leverett, Anna Leverett, Vanessa Gamble, and Stephanie Cousins. Photo by Bonni Allen
‘Til Death: A Marriage Musical has been returning to the Twin Cities stages for 13 years but this was my first time taking it in. It was also my first time at it’s venue Art House North which is located in what used to be a church and has now become a quaint and cozy artists space. I loved the space and I love the show. I can see why people come back to it every February. No, not because it’s so romantic but because it’s about real love. In long term relationships romance fades, I wouldn’t say it disappears but it definitely takes some rather long naps. Romance isn’t synonymous with love anymore than sex is, they are aspects of a loving relationship, but love is more concrete than romance and less tangible than sex. Love is being together through thick and thin for better or worse. On my third marriage as I am, I don’t subscribe to the theory of one love and I don’t believe that true love never dies. Love changes, it grows and it withers, but the message of this show is that whether you are newlyweds or fifteen years into your marriage, love takes work, understanding, and forgiveness. ‘Til Death brings two such couples together, one on the verge of divorce and one on their wedding day. It’s a comedy that contains a lot of truths about what marriage really is, it’s completing each others sentences in Elvish but it’s also getting annoyed at your partner’s chewing.
Written by and starring Jeremiah and Vanessa Gamble who play Ethan and Olivia the couple who have been married for 15 years but are currently separated. The newlyweds Leslie and Freddie are played alternately by two other married couples. The night I attended Leslie and Freddie were played by Damian and Anna Leverett, at alternate performances the roles are played by Nathan and Stephanie Cousins. The cast is a lot of fun. I identified with Ethan and Olivia more, due to my age and personal history, but I have a son newly engaged and another in the throws of a year long relationship, and so there was a lot in Leslie and Freddie’s story that rang true to me as well. Plus to be honest, I do remember being young and in love and… sickening I’m sure. All of the cast does a tremendous job, the Gamble’s I’m sure draw on their more than a quarter of a century together to bring a grounding reality to what is essentially a fun and engaging musical. Special mention has to go to Vanessa Gamble who has a fantastic voice, all are great, but she is really something. I love that they cast the show with married couples, first of all what a great way to make sure you get to spend Valentine’s Day together doing something you love. Secondly, real couples bring a history and a comfort to the roles that can allow them to inhabit the roles in a unique way, not better necessarily, but in a different way.
The accompaniment on piano from Jill Dawe is immediate and perfectly balanced with the vocals which is kind of amazing given the space of the venue. The set which I don’t know whom to credit to, perhaps Dalen O’Connell who is listed in the program as T.D., and Carpenter, perfectly uses the allowed space giving us the appearance at least of a kitchen, a living room, a bathroom, and two bedrooms, which if you knew the dimensions of the stage you would appreciate what a feat of ingenuity that is. Craig Johnson who directs, stages the action in a way that helps us make sense of the space and make the characters movements feel natural, when they are nearly on top of each other. I also really like the touches of slow motion which are staged to hilarious effect and pulled off brilliantly by the cast. As an added treat, the audience is served free cupcakes and coffee at intermission from Brake Bread, those cupcakes melt in your mouth.
‘Til Death: A Marriage Musical runs through February 15th at Art House North in St. Paul. For more information and to purchase tickets go to https://www.bucketbrigadetheater.com/shows/til-death/