News & Notes

  • What makes a perfect puppet?

    Here in the Twin Cities we are blessed with an abundance of puppets. How many metro areas can claim a...
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  • Feeling a Little Silly Today

    I'm Feeling Silly Today You're right, Header Title. I am feeling silly today. We've spent far too much time in...
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  • Playlist's new columns for 2014

    If you’ve been reading Minnesota Playlist for a while, we hope you’ve come to expect at least reasonably consistent quality...
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  • Art as political industry

    On any given day, my inbox is packed with partisan pandering and theatrical promotions. As the co-creator of a project...
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  • Changes

    Grant, Baby, Grant Before we get going in earnest this week, some congratulations are in order: (1) Rock on, Intermedia...
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  • REVIEW: Three plays in five days

    Editor's note: In our ongoing efforts to examine the state of local theater criticism, we've recruited esteemed playwright Dominic Orlando...
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  • Five tax mistakes actors make

    Editor's note: This article was a hit with financially un-savvy actors last year, so we're presenting it again as a...
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  • Tackling the Edifice Complex

    Good News, Everyone! We've been waiting for years, and it's finally about to begin. The new Green Line light rail...
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  • How we built a theater festival

    There's a sort of itch, familiar to all types of creatives, that urges us to dig in and get to...
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