News & Notes

  • Enthralling Characters


    Set at the height of the Great Recession in 2008’s Detroit, Skeleton Crew offers moving character studies. Written by Dominique...

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  • If only Lady MacBeth had a Twin


    Francesca and Isabella Dawis (M and L) are sensational in peerless. Clad in their matching twin “uniforms” with only...

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  • Storytelling through Dance


    If you want a masterclass in storytelling, you need to see Once on this Island at the Ordway. This revival...

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  • That Face!


    The definitive article “The” at the beginning of Marlus von Mayenburg’s The Ugly One is perfect. Without giving away too...

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  • Watch for Falling Mangos!


    Using the Music and Lyrics of her father and reggae legend, Bob Marley, Cedella Marley and Michael J. Bobbit collaborate...

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  • A Whimsical Distraction


    It’s the part of February where the cold has taken so much from your personality you become a winter husk...

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  • A Cultural Convergence


    In Minnesota we’re familiar with the intimacy of snow--the loud quiet it creates as it falls after dark. It’s in...

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  • Hosanna’s an Upstart


    Jam-packed with songs, the cultural touchstone Jesus Christ Superstar (music by Andrew Lloyd Webber and lyrics by Tim Rice) continues...

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  • Bad Rules and Few Options


    This was an, uh, interesting play to go to with my divorced partner and my just-shy-of-one-year divorced self. You have...

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  • It’s a Trip


    Getting to the Gremlin theater had me running because even though Google kept telling me I was there, I wasn’t...

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