News & Notes

  • There’s Magic in the Metaphor


    This review is the first of a series of essays surrounding Walking Shadow Theatre Company’s 2019-2020 season. This is a...

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  • It's worth coming back to


    Shakespeare, like Star Trek, is enjoyable because the first time everyone saw it they said, “Wow, whoever wrote this freaking...

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  • Yes, AND!


    It is 10:15 pm and I am trying to type this in rhythm. That is what a night of superb...

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  • Just Be


    Welcome to Ask an Admin, a series in which we talk with theatre administrators and theatre-makers working in Minnesota to...

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  • "Aubergine" is a full meal


    Never have I seen a show that fed my soul like Aubergine at Park Square Theatre. Please excuse the food-pun...

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  • New Theater in Mankato is a superstar!


    Hidden downtown, a new theatre experience has opened in Mankato. It’s called the Mankato Playhouse and it hosts a theatre...

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  • What would you do?


    What would you do if your liberal friends revealed that they were proud gun owners?

    This is the question that...

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  • Atonement for our collective sins?


    Reviewer note: Damon Runnals, co-artistic director and co-founder of Swandive Theatre along with Meg DiSciorio, owns Minnesota Playlist. The opinions...

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  • Snow White, but really just Two People


    Full disclosure: I arrived late to the Children's Theater Company’s latest show, Snow White. I was four minutes behind...

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  • “Seize the Day” in Mankato


    Minnesota State University, Mankato has a history of producing many dazzling productions. And when I say “many” I mean it...

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