News & Notes

  • Not Enough Hot Air


    Harmless and mindless, Theatre of the Ridiculous and Absurd’s production of “Irving Berlin’s Music Box Revue 1921” at the Minnesota...

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  • It's not just Harvey


    You're denizens of the internet. You know what this is. You've shared your outrage, your disgust, your #metoo hashtags. You...

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  • Becoming Airborne with Kira Obolensky


    Playwright Kira Obolensky, currently a Core Writer and Board Member at the Playwrights Center, is known for immersive, imaginative plays...

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  • Works and wines


    Because the Playwrights’ Center revolves around a black box space, anything can happen. At Taste of the Season, PWC’s season...

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  • The crucial point


    File this under "Things You Already Know Too Damn Well": 2017 hasn't exactly been a banner year so far. Last...

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  • Looking Back Into the Void


    I walked into the Southern Theater to the dulcet tones of Greenday's Basket Case. On stage was a bare bones...

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  • Not being there


    Easing back in to this whole News and Notes thing

    Hey, folks! It's good to be back hosting News and...

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