News & Notes

  • A timely call for peace


    What an eerily fitting time to retell Sadako Sasaki’s story. She was two years old when an American atomic bomb...

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  • Afraid of the "M" word


    And the winner is…

    Congratulations are in order for Carson Kreitzer! The Minneapolis-based playwright just pulled down a sweet...

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  • History through a different lens


    No matter what one might ultimately think of Freshwater Theatre’s My Life Through History, you have to give it...

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  • Our stake in the future


    Just kidding

    Hello, friends. Did your enjoy your weekend? Did you find yourself reading some incredible, mind-blowing piece of news...

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  • The Harlem Renaissance


    The Round Table had a specific location to convene, but the other New York Art Movement known as the Harlem Renaissance gathered...

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  • A Talented Crew in not-so-Bloody Business


    Outside of perhaps Troillus and Cressida, the perpetual challenge with Shakespeare is making these oft-told stories feel fresh. The task...

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  • When chestnuts turn


    Imports and exports

    In the last couple of weeks of News and Notes, I have been delighted to tout Minnesota's...

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  • Connection Beneath The Sea & The Stars


    I was brushing my teeth the other night and Natalie Imbruglia’s “Torn” popped into my head.

    There’s nothing where he...

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