News & Notes

  • Advocate


    The disappearing McLean

    I know it's been a while since this story started, but I hope that you haven't forgotten...

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  • The Algonquin Round Table


    If you were asked to take one of those online quizzes about theater, how do you think you’d score?  Could...

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  • Greetings from our new overlord


    I’ve put off writing this for a few reasons. First, while I can physically type keys or move a pen...

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  • Clowns in Conservatory


    Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest has been beloved by audiences worldwide since its debut in 1895, in large...

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  • #oscarslesswhite



    A great mind once said: "Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans." Granted, we're not exactly...

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  • A beautiful, but unsatisfying dessert.


    If you're craving something decadent, the opening moments of Walking Shadow's Marie Antoinette will hit the spot, highlighting the infamous...

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  • No longer innocent


    I first saw Anna in the Tropics when I was way too young for it. The romanticism countered with heavy...

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  • Not your grandaddy’s Carmen


    No one summed up the night better than the baritone:

    “Try not to be distracted by the crowd,” John Allen...

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  • Little guys, little grants


    So… how is the resistance?

    You have probably heard the ancient Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times." In...

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  • A divide that’s still ours


    On the surface, a lot has changed in St. Paul’s Rondo neighborhood from before the Civil Rights Movement to now...

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