News & Notes

  • Camping is nice this time of year.


    Out of Range

    Hey, there, Minnesotans. I will apologize in advance that this week's edition of News and Notes will...

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  • Diversity?


    Theater: Smoke Protocol

    Having done outdoor theater on more than one occasion, I can tell you that it's tough. What...

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  • The job of the artist

    "If we are to change our world view, images have to change. The artist has a very important job to...
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  • Wrath of the Smartphone


    Turn, turn, turn

    As you, the painfully hip readers of Minnesota Playlist, already know, the hot trend in the Twin...

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  • Is the Fringe still Fringey?


    During the festival’s opening weekend, I wrote that it felt like the Millennials were taking over—that there was a palpable...

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  • After the Fringe



    I woke up around noon on Monday feeling like I had been dropped into my bed from about three...

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  • Day 10 -- Fringe Recap


    These last two weekends have been nothing short of a trip. Though I have spent most of Fringe on the...

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  • Day 9 -- Fringe Recap


    Perhaps too ambitiously, I dedicated my Fringe Friday to visiting 4 of the 9 site-specific pieces this year. As a...

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  • Audience Reviews

    Editor's Note: This video was created by the literary arts organization Revolver and presented by in partnership with
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  • Day 7 -- Fringe Recap


    I got to know the Fringe last night in a biblical way – four shows’ worth of wrestling with angels...

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