News & Notes

  • Meanwhile, at the capitol


    Congratulations to us

    Ladies and gentlemen, I would first like to compliment you on your choice of website. There are...

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  • Singing about history


    Andrew Gaylord is a listener. If you ask him a question he's more than likely to want to hear your...

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  • Which Woody Guthrie is yours?


    Few questions reveal more about an American’s soul than, “Which verses of ‘This Land Is Your Land’ do you know?”...

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  • Where many roads meet


    If you watch children’s television, you know him as Randy the Planner on The Choo Choo Bob Show. If...

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  • Next to inaccurate


    As a critic, I am in a terrible bind: the Yellow Tree Theatre has just staged a beautiful production of...

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  • History, repeating


    If your Facebook news feed is anything like mine, hashtags swarm the screen:

    #FreddieGray #JusticeForFreddieGray #BlackLivesMatter #Baltimore #BaltimoreUprising #BlackSpring #MNRiseUp...

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  • What do you know?

    There’s a moment early on in For the Loyal that made me fear I was about to watch a promising...
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