News & Notes

  • Sensuality


    Adia Morris attended Shapiro & Smith Dance's 28th Season show at the Cowles Center and reflects on how dance like...

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  • Hey, remember the culture wars?


    For Emily, at the Pittsburgh Fringe

    Please allow me a moment of sincerity before we get on with the usual...

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  • Should you go to graduate school?


    Editor's Note: This article first appeared in the Tech Tools of the Trade monthly newsletter in January. It is reprinted...

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  • Continuing the conversation about race


    Director Greg Banks tackles incredible obstacles with personality and care in his staging of Huck Finn at Children’s Theatre Company...

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  • A mother-lovin cocktail recipe


    Editor's Note: If you've ever been in a show with local actor John Middleton, you may have sampled a cocktail...

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  • Richard's raw deal



    Congratulations are in order for Sarah Bellamy! The co-artistic director of Penumbra Theatre was recently named to the 2015...

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  • Experience transcends


    Dylan has nothing but praise for this work--from the choreographer to the dancers who "are killing it," he notes repeatedly...

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  • Review: All the Lights On

    Perhaps the most daunting of the many recurring obstacles faced by Ten Thousand Things theater company in founder Michelle Hensley’s...
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  • You've got a friend

    In Fruit Fly: The Musical, Sheena Janson and Max Wajtanowicz thinly fictionalize twenty years of friendship between a gay...
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  • Rage against the critics


    Be a part of the whatever's happening

    Hey, folks! It's spring! It's time for you to rouse yourself from your...

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