TAKE3: Where ROCK Meets BACH

2004 Randolph Ave
Saint Paul, MN 55105
United States
Pack your bags, we’re going to take you on a musical journey like no other with TAKE3: Where ROCK meets BACH. This unique trio of violin, cello, and piano brings together the power and energy of rock music with the sophistication and beauty of classical Bach. Experience a fusion of styles that will leave you breathless and wanting more. With their virtuosic performances and electrifying stage presence, TAKE3 is a must-see show that will thrill audiences of all ages.
*ASL interpretation will be provided at this show.
*For patrons who would like to control the volume of their listening experience, assistive listening devices and sensory ear plugs are available upon request at the Ticket Office. More info at: https://oshag.stkate.edu/about-the-oshaughnessy/t…