Minnesota Playlist readers

Articles by Author

  • It hurts when I do this...

    uid)); if (isset($_POST['submit']) && ($_POST['flag_id']==$nid)) { $sql = "insert into {survey10} (uid, q, a) values (%d, '%s', '%s')"; for ($i=1; $i<=2; $i++) { if (!empty($_POST['other' . $i])) { db_query($sql, $user->uid, $key . '.' . $i, $_POST['other' . $i]); } else { if (!empty($_POST[$i])) { db_query($sql, $user->uid, $key . '.' . $i, $_POST[$i]); } } } print 'Thanks for taking our survey. Your answer has been included in the results below.'; } else { if ($user->uid) { if ($count == 0) { ?>

    Pick the style of performance or method of study that you think is most useful:

    If other, briefly describe: 

    Pick the one you think is least useful:

    If other, briefly describe: 


    You have already answered this survey. Check out the results so far below.

    '; } } else { print 'Login so you can add your answer to this survey. Check out the results so far below.'; } } print '

    '; for ($i=1; $i <= 2; $i++) { $sql = "select count(a) from {survey10} where q='%s'"; $count = db_result(db_query($sql, $key . '.' . $i)); $n=0; $word = array(); $qty = array(); $sql = "select a as word, count(uid) as qty from {survey10} where q='%s' group by word"; $result = db_query($sql, $key . '.' . $i); while($data = db_fetch_object($result)) { $word[$n] = $data->word . ' (' . 100 * (number_format($data->qty / $count, 2)) . '%)'; $qty[$n] = $data->qty; $n=$n+1; } $values = implode(',', $qty); $labels = implode('|', $word); if ($i==1) { print "

    Most useful:

    "; } else { print "

    Least useful:

    "; } print '

    '; } ?>
    read the story
  • Best supporting actor is...

    Pick the character you think it would be most fun to write or play:

    "; $key = 'supporting'; $nid = '9078'; $sql = "select count(a) from {survey10} where q='%s' and uid=%d"; $count = db_result(db_query($sql, $key, $user->uid)); if (isset($_POST['submit']) && ($_POST['flag_id']==$nid)) { if (empty($_POST['explain'])) { $sql = "insert into {survey10} (uid, q, a) values (%d, '%s', '%s')"; db_query($sql, $user->uid, $key, $_POST['a']); } else { $sql = "insert into {survey10} (uid, q, a, other) values (%d, '%s', '%s', '%s')"; db_query($sql, $user->uid, $key, $_POST['a'], $_POST['explain']); } print 'Thanks for taking our survey. Your answer has been included in the results below.'; } else { if ($user->uid) { if ($count == 0) { ?>



    ">Login so you can add your answer to this survey. Check out the results so far below.'; } } print '

    '; $sql = "select count(a) from {survey10} where q='%s'"; $count = db_result(db_query($sql, $key)); $n=0; $word = array(); $qty = array(); $sql = "select a as word, count(uid) as qty from {survey10} where q='%s' group by word"; $result = db_query($sql, $key); while($data = db_fetch_object($result)) { $word[$n] = $data->word . ' (' . 100 * (number_format($data->qty / $count, 2)) . '%)'; $qty[$n] = $data->qty; $n=$n+1; } $values = implode(',', $qty); $labels = implode('|', $word); print '

    '; print "


    "; $sql = "select a, other from {survey10} where q='%s' and other is not null"; $result = db_query($sql, $key); while($data = db_fetch_object($result)) { print "

    " . $data->a . ": " . $data->other . "

    read the story
  • I live in...

    Identify where you live:

    "; $key = 'live'; $nid = '9060'; $sql = "select count(a) from {survey10} where q='%s' and uid=%d"; $count = db_result(db_query($sql, $key, $user->uid)); if (isset($_POST['submit']) && ($_POST['flag_id']==$nid)) { $sql = "insert into {survey10} (uid, q, a) values (%d, '%s', '%s')"; db_query($sql, $user->uid, $key, $_POST['a']); print 'Thanks for taking our survey. Your answer has been included in the results below.'; } else { if ($user->uid) { if ($count == 0) { ?>


    ">Login so you can add your answer to this survey. Check out the results so far below.'; } } print '

    '; $sql = "select count(a) from {survey10} where q='%s'"; $count = db_result(db_query($sql, $key)); $n=0; $word = array(); $qty = array(); $sql = "select a as word, count(uid) as qty from {survey10} where q='%s' group by word"; $result = db_query($sql, $key); while($data = db_fetch_object($result)) { $word[$n] = $data->word . ' (' . 100 * (number_format($data->qty / $count, 2)) . '%)'; $qty[$n] = $data->qty; $n=$n+1; } $values = implode(',', $qty); $labels = implode('|', $word); print '

    '; ?>
    read the story
  • I make art to...

    Choose the one you most identify with:

    "; $key = 'art'; $nid = '9079'; $sql = "select count(a) from {survey10} where q='%s' and uid=%d"; $count = db_result(db_query($sql, $key, $user->uid)); if (isset($_POST['submit']) && ($_POST['flag_id']==$nid)) { $sql = "insert into {survey10} (uid, q, a) values (%d, '%s', '%s')"; db_query($sql, $user->uid, $key, $_POST['a']); print 'Thanks for taking our survey. Your answer has been included in the results below.'; } else { if ($user->uid) { if ($count == 0) { ?>


    ">Login so you can add your answer to this survey. Check out the results so far below.'; } } print '

    '; $sql = "select count(a) from {survey10} where q='%s'"; $count = db_result(db_query($sql, $key)); $n=0; $word = array(); $qty = array(); $sql = "select a as word, count(uid) as qty from {survey10} where q='%s' group by word"; $result = db_query($sql, $key); while($data = db_fetch_object($result)) { $word[$n] = $data->word . ' (' . 100 * (number_format($data->qty / $count, 2)) . '%)'; $qty[$n] = $data->qty; $n=$n+1; } $values = implode(',', $qty); $labels = implode('|', $word); print '

    '; ?>
    read the story
  • I want to hear from ...

    Provide the name of a member of the performing arts community whose opinions or ideas you want to read in MinnesotaPlaylist:

    '; $key = 'hear'; $sql = "select count(a) from {survey} where q='%s' and uid=%d"; $count = db_result(db_query($sql, $key, $user->uid)); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { if (!empty($_POST['name'])) { $sql = "insert into {survey} (uid, q, a) values (%d, '%s', '%s')"; db_query($sql, $user->uid, $key, $_POST['name']); } print 'Thanks for taking our survey. Your answer has been included in the results below.'; } else { if ($user->uid) { if ($count == 0) { ?>


    Login so you can add your answer to this survey. Check out the results so far below.'; } } print '

    '; $sql = "select a, count(*) as count_a from {survey} where q = '%s' group by a order by count_a desc"; $result = db_query($sql, $key); if (!empty($result)) { print "

    Responses so far:

      "; while ($data = db_fetch_object($result)) { print '
    • ' . $data->a . ' (' . $data->count_a . ')
    • '; } print '
    '; } ?>
    read the story
  • I learned a lot about ...

    Choose the month/issue where you felt MinnesotaPlaylist.com did the best job:

    '; $key = 'issue'; $sql = "select count(a) from {survey} where q='%s' and uid=%d"; $count = db_result(db_query($sql, $key, $user->uid)); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $sql = "insert into {survey} (uid, q, a) values (%d, '%s', '%s')"; db_query($sql, $user->uid, $key, $_POST['a']); print 'Thanks for taking our survey. Your answer has been included in the results below.'; } else { if ($user->uid) { if ($count == 0) { ?>


    Login so you can add your answer to this survey. Check out the results so far below.'; } } print '

    '; $sql = "select count(a) from {survey} where q='%s'"; $count = db_result(db_query($sql, $key)); $n=0; $word = array(); $qty = array(); $sql = "select a as word, count(uid) as qty from {survey} where q='%s' group by word"; $result = db_query($sql, $key); while($data = db_fetch_object($result)) { $word[$n] = $data->word . ' (' . 100 * (number_format($data->qty / $count, 2)) . '%)'; $qty[$n] = $data->qty; $n=$n+1; } $values = implode(',', $qty); $labels = implode('|', $word); print '

    '; ?>
    read the story
  • What the ...

    Which Artistic Director would make the best astronaut? Choose one:

    '; $key = 'astronaut'; $sql = "select count(a) from {survey} where q='%s' and uid=%d"; $count = db_result(db_query($sql, $key, $user->uid)); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $sql = "insert into {survey} (uid, q, a) values (%d, '%s', '%s')"; db_query($sql, $user->uid, $key, $_POST['a']); print 'Thanks for taking our survey. Your answer has been included in the results below.'; } else { if ($user->uid) { if ($count == 0) { ?>


    Login so you can add your answer to this survey. Check out the results so far below.'; } } print '

    '; $sql = "select count(a) from {survey} where q='%s'"; $count = db_result(db_query($sql, $key)); $n=0; $word = array(); $qty = array(); $sql = "select a as word, count(uid) as qty from {survey} where q='%s' group by word"; $result = db_query($sql, $key); while($data = db_fetch_object($result)) { $word[$n] = $data->word . ' (' . 100 * (number_format($data->qty / $count, 2)) . '%)'; $qty[$n] = $data->qty; $n=$n+1; } $values = implode(',', $qty); $labels = implode('|', $word); print '

    '; ?>
    read the story
  • If I could only be alone ...

    Name the Minnesota theaters that fit these descriptions:

    '; $key1 = 'bond_cast'; $key2 = 'bond_artist'; $key3 = 'bond_audience'; $sql = "select count(a) from {survey} where q like '%s' and uid=%d"; $count = db_result(db_query($sql, 'bond%', $user->uid)); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { if (!empty($_POST['bond1'])) { $sql = "insert into {survey} (uid, q, a) values (%d, '%s', '%s')"; db_query($sql, $user->uid, $key1, $_POST['bond1']); } if (!empty($_POST['bond2'])) { $sql = "insert into {survey} (uid, q, a) values (%d, '%s', '%s')"; db_query($sql, $user->uid, $key2, $_POST['bond2']); } if (!empty($_POST['bond3'])) { $sql = "insert into {survey} (uid, q, a) values (%d, '%s', '%s')"; db_query($sql, $user->uid, $key3, $_POST['bond3']); } print 'Thanks for taking our survey. Your answer has been included in the results below.'; } else { if ($user->uid) { if ($count == 0) { ?>

    Best dressing room to bond with the cast:

    Best backstage for secret love affairs:

    Best place for onstage nude scenes:


    Login so you can add your answer to this survey. Check out the results so far below.'; } } print '

    '; $sql = "select a, count(*) as count_a from {survey} where q = '%s' group by a order by count_a desc"; $result = db_query($sql, $key1); if (!empty($result)) { print "

    Results for best dressing room to bond with the cast:

      "; while ($data = db_fetch_object($result)) { print '
    • ' . $data->a . ' (' . $data->count_a . ')
    • '; } print '
    '; } $result = db_query($sql, $key2); if (!empty($result)) { print "

    Results for best backstage for secret love affairs:

      "; while ($data = db_fetch_object($result)) { print '
    • ' . $data->a . ' (' . $data->count_a . ')
    • '; } print '
    '; } $result = db_query($sql, $key3); if (!empty($result)) { print "

    Results for best place for onstage nude scenes:

      "; while ($data = db_fetch_object($result)) { print '
    • ' . $data->a . ' (' . $data->count_a . ')
    • '; } print '
    '; } ?>
    read the story
  • I don't believe in this stuff but ...

    Choose your astrological sign. If you don't know, guess:

    "; $key = 'sign'; $sql = "select count(a) from {survey} where q='%s' and uid=%d"; $count = db_result(db_query($sql, $key, $user->uid)); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $sql = "insert into {survey} (uid, q, a) values (%d, '%s', '%s')"; db_query($sql, $user->uid, $key, $_POST['a']); print 'Thanks for taking our survey. Your answer has been included in the results below.'; } else { if ($user->uid) { if ($count == 0) { ?>


    Login so you can add your answer to this survey. Check out the results so far below.'; } } print '

    '; $sql = "select count(a) from {survey} where q='%s'"; $count = db_result(db_query($sql, $key)); $n=0; $word = array(); $qty = array(); $sql = "select a as word, count(uid) as qty from {survey} where q='%s' group by word"; $result = db_query($sql, $key); while($data = db_fetch_object($result)) { $word[$n] = $data->word . ' (' . 100 * (number_format($data->qty / $count, 2)) . '%)'; $qty[$n] = $data->qty; $n=$n+1; } $values = implode(',', $qty); $labels = implode('|', $word); print '

    '; ?>
    read the story