Minnesota Playlist readers

Articles by Author

  • As an artist, I earn ...

    Please include only your arts-related income:

    '; $key = 'earn'; $sql = "select count(a) from {survey} where q='%s' and uid=%d"; $count = db_result(db_query($sql, $key, $user->uid)); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $sql = "insert into {survey} (uid, q, a) values (%d, '%s', '%s')"; db_query($sql, $user->uid, $key, $_POST['a']); print 'Thanks for taking our survey. Your answer has been included in the results below.'; } else { if ($user->uid) { if ($count == 0) { ?>


    Login so you can add your answer to this survey. Check out the results so far below.'; } } print '

    '; $sql = "select count(a) from {survey} where q='%s'"; $count = db_result(db_query($sql, $key)); $n=0; $word = array(); $qty = array(); $sql = "select a as word, count(uid) as qty from {survey} where q='%s' group by word"; $result = db_query($sql, $key); while($data = db_fetch_object($result)) { $word[$n] = $data->word . ' (' . 100 * (number_format($data->qty / $count, 2)) . '%)'; $qty[$n] = $data->qty; $n=$n+1; } $values = implode(',', $qty); $labels = implode('|', $word); print '

    '; ?>
    read the story
  • Lightning Round #2

    Fire away.

    "; $key = 'lightning2'; $sql = "select count(a) from {survey} where q like '%s' and uid=%d"; $count = db_result(db_query($sql, $key . '%', $user->uid)); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $sql = "insert into {survey} (uid, q, a) values (%d, '%s', '%s')"; for ($i=1; $i<=3; $i++) { if (!empty($_POST[$i])) { db_query($sql, $user->uid, $key . '.' . $i, $_POST[$i]); } } print 'Thanks for taking our survey. Your answer has been included in the results below.'; } else { if ($user->uid) { if ($count == 0) { ?>

    Tequila or Jagermeister?

    John Hughes or Judd Apatow?

    William Shakespeare or Anton Chekhov?


    Login so you can add your answer to this survey. Check out the results so far below.'; } } print '

    '; for ($i=1; $i <= 3; $i++) { $sql = "select count(a) from {survey} where q='%s'"; $count = db_result(db_query($sql, $key . '.' . $i)); $n=0; $word = array(); $qty = array(); $sql = "select a as word, count(uid) as qty from {survey} where q='%s' group by word"; $result = db_query($sql, $key . '.' . $i); while($data = db_fetch_object($result)) { $word[$n] = $data->word . ' (' . 100 * (number_format($data->qty / $count, 2)) . '%)'; $qty[$n] = $data->qty; $n=$n+1; } $values = implode(',', $qty); $labels = implode('|', $word); print '

    '; } ?>
    read the story
  • My total household income is ...

    Include both arts-related and non-arts income:

    "; $key = 'household'; $sql = "select count(a) from {survey} where q='%s' and uid=%d"; $count = db_result(db_query($sql, $key, $user->uid)); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $sql = "insert into {survey} (uid, q, a) values (%d, '%s', '%s')"; db_query($sql, $user->uid, $key, $_POST['a']); print 'Thanks for taking our survey. Your answer has been included in the results below.'; } else { if ($user->uid) { if ($count == 0) { ?>


    Login so you can add your answer to this survey. Check out the results so far below.'; } } print '

    '; $sql = "select count(a) from {survey} where q='%s'"; $count = db_result(db_query($sql, $key)); $n=0; $word = array(); $qty = array(); $sql = "select a as word, count(uid) as qty from {survey} where q='%s' group by word"; $result = db_query($sql, $key); while($data = db_fetch_object($result)) { $word[$n] = $data->word . ' (' . 100 * (number_format($data->qty / $count, 2)) . '%)'; $qty[$n] = $data->qty; $n=$n+1; } $values = implode(',', $qty); $labels = implode('|', $word); print '

    '; ?>
    read the story
  • Lightning Round #3

    You know what to do.

    "; $key = 'lightning3'; $sql = "select count(a) from {survey} where q like '%s' and uid=%d"; $count = db_result(db_query($sql, $key . '%', $user->uid)); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $sql = "insert into {survey} (uid, q, a) values (%d, '%s', '%s')"; for ($i=1; $i<=3; $i++) { if (!empty($_POST[$i])) { db_query($sql, $user->uid, $key . '.' . $i, $_POST[$i]); } } print 'Thanks for taking our survey. Your answer has been included in the results below.'; } else { if ($user->uid) { if ($count == 0) { ?>

    Opera or tuba?

    Classical dance or contact improv?

    Walker, Southern, or Ritz?


    Login so you can add your answer to this survey. Check out the results so far below.'; } } print '

    '; for ($i=1; $i <= 3; $i++) { $sql = "select count(a) from {survey} where q='%s'"; $count = db_result(db_query($sql, $key . '.' . $i)); $n=0; $word = array(); $qty = array(); $sql = "select a as word, count(uid) as qty from {survey} where q='%s' group by word"; $result = db_query($sql, $key . '.' . $i); while($data = db_fetch_object($result)) { $word[$n] = $data->word . ' (' . 100 * (number_format($data->qty / $count, 2)) . '%)'; $qty[$n] = $data->qty; $n=$n+1; } $values = implode(',', $qty); $labels = implode('|', $word); print '

    '; } ?>
    read the story
  • I live in ...

    Choose where you live:

    '; $key = 'live'; $sql = "select count(a) from {survey} where q='%s' and uid=%d"; $count = db_result(db_query($sql, $key, $user->uid)); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $sql = "insert into {survey} (uid, q, a) values (%d, '%s', '%s')"; db_query($sql, $user->uid, $key, $_POST['a']); print 'Thanks for taking our survey. Your answer has been included in the results below.'; } else { if ($user->uid) { if ($count == 0) { ?>


    Login so you can add your answer to this survey. Check out the results so far below.'; } } print '

    '; $sql = "select count(a) from {survey} where q='%s'"; $count = db_result(db_query($sql, $key)); $n=0; $word = array(); $qty = array(); $sql = "select a as word, count(uid) as qty from {survey} where q='%s' group by word"; $result = db_query($sql, $key); while($data = db_fetch_object($result)) { $word[$n] = $data->word . ' (' . 100 * (number_format($data->qty / $count, 2)) . '%)'; $qty[$n] = $data->qty; $n=$n+1; } $values = implode(',', $qty); $labels = implode('|', $word); print '

    '; ?>
    read the story
  • Methinks he doth write too much ...

    Pick one play you wish was not in the Bard's canon (Relax, it's anonymous):

    "; $key = 'shakespeare'; $sql = "select count(a) from {survey} where q='%s' and uid=%d"; $count = db_result(db_query($sql, $key, $user->uid)); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $sql = "insert into {survey} (uid, q, a) values (%d, '%s', '%s')"; db_query($sql, $user->uid, $key, $_POST['a']); print 'Thanks for taking our survey. Your answer has been included in the results below.'; } else { if ($user->uid) { if ($count == 0) { ?>


    Login so you can add your answer to this survey. Check out the results so far below.'; } } print '

    '; $sql = "select count(a) from {survey} where q='%s'"; $count = db_result(db_query($sql, $key)); $n=0; $word = array(); $qty = array(); $sql = "select a as word, count(uid) as qty from {survey} where q='%s' group by word"; $result = db_query($sql, $key); while($data = db_fetch_object($result)) { $word[$n] = $data->word . ' (' . 100 * (number_format($data->qty / $count, 2)) . '%)'; $qty[$n] = $data->qty; $n=$n+1; } $values = implode(',', $qty); $labels = implode('|', $word); print '

    '; ?>
    read the story
  • I am ...

    Select your age (Relax, it's anonymous):

    "; $key = 'age'; $sql = "select count(a) from {survey} where q='%s' and uid=%d"; $count = db_result(db_query($sql, $key, $user->uid)); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $sql = "insert into {survey} (uid, q, a) values (%d, '%s', '%s')"; db_query($sql, $user->uid, $key, $_POST['a']); print 'Thanks for taking our survey. Your answer has been included in the results below.'; } else { if ($user->uid) { if ($count == 0) { ?>


    Login so you can add your answer to this survey. Check out the results so far below.'; } } print '

    '; $sql = "select count(a) from {survey} where q='%s'"; $count = db_result(db_query($sql, $key)); $n=0; $word = array(); $qty = array(); $sql = "select a as word, count(uid) as qty from {survey} where q='%s' group by word"; $result = db_query($sql, $key); while($data = db_fetch_object($result)) { $word[$n] = $data->word . ' (' . 100 * (number_format($data->qty / $count, 2)) . '%)'; $qty[$n] = $data->qty; $n=$n+1; } $values = implode(',', $qty); $labels = implode('|', $word); print '

    '; ?>
    read the story
  • For the love of ...

    uid)); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $sql = "insert into {survey} (uid, q, a) values (%d, '%s', '%s')"; for ($i=1; $i<=2; $i++) { if (!empty($_POST[$i])) { db_query($sql, $user->uid, $key . '.' . $i, $_POST[$i]); } } print 'Thanks for taking our survey. Your answer has been included in the results below.'; } else { if ($user->uid) { if ($count == 0) { ?>

    Which one statement is most true for you?

    How's that working out for you?


    Login so you can add your answer to this survey. Check out the results so far below.'; } } print '

    '; for ($i=1; $i <= 2; $i++) { $sql = "select count(a) from {survey} where q='%s'"; $count = db_result(db_query($sql, $key . '.' . $i)); $n=0; $word = array(); $qty = array(); $sql = "select a as word, count(uid) as qty from {survey} where q='%s' group by word"; $result = db_query($sql, $key . '.' . $i); while($data = db_fetch_object($result)) { $word[$n] = $data->word . ' (' . 100 * (number_format($data->qty / $count, 2)) . '%)'; $qty[$n] = $data->qty; $n=$n+1; } $values = implode(',', $qty); $labels = implode('|', $word); print '

    '; } ?>
    read the story
  • Thankfully, MinnesotaPlaylist.com provides ...

    Check all that apply:

    '; $key = 'like'; $sql = "select count(a) from {survey} where q='%s' and uid=%d"; $count = db_result(db_query($sql, $key, $user->uid)); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { for ($i=1; $i<=6; $i++) { if (!empty($_POST[$i])) { $sql = "insert into {survey} (uid, q, a) values (%d, '%s', '%s')"; db_query($sql, $user->uid, $key, $_POST[$i]); } } print 'Thanks for taking our survey. Your answer has been included in the results below.'; } else { if ($user->uid) { if ($count == 0) { ?>

     audition notices
     training opportunities
     performance calendar
     talent profiles
     in-depth articles
     news and notes


    Login so you can add your answer to this survey. Check out the results so far below.'; } } print '

    '; $sql = "select count(*) from (select distinct uid from {survey} where q = '%s') as users"; $count = db_result(db_query($sql, $key)); $n=0; $word = array(); $qty = array(); $sql = "select a as word, count(uid) as qty from {survey} where q='%s' group by word"; $result = db_query($sql, $key); while($data = db_fetch_object($result)) { $word[$n] = $data->word . ' (' . 100 * (number_format($data->qty / $count, 2)) . '%)'; $qty[$n] = 100 * $data->qty/$count; $n=$n+1; } $values = implode(',', $qty); foreach($word as $i=>$val) { $labels = $labels . 't ' . $val . ',166665,0,' . $i . ',12|'; } $labels = substr($labels,0,strlen($labels)-1); $max_val = (intval((max($qty)/.7)/5)+1)*5; $interval = round($max_val/5); print '

    '; ?>
    read the story