To whom?

Woman sitting behind large wooden table in black dress giving audience a sinister smile.

Welcome traveler. Take a seat, kick up your feet, grab a beverage of your choosing, and press play.

This is the first podcast in our Dad's in the House series as a part of Playlist Presents.
The premise is simple, Damon Runnals (a dad, and owner of Minnesota Playlist) attends a performance with a friend or colleague (maybe another dad, maybe a mom, maybe a parent of delightful fur babies), and discusses the show afterwards.


For our kickoff episode Damon and John Zeiler review Feast, written by Megan Gogerty, directed by Allison Vincent, performed by Isabel Nelson, and presented by Walking Shadow Theatre Company.

Listen in to get all the details, including a brief review of dinner provided by Black Forest Inn, and an longer review of the dinner roll served prior.


Podcast host notes:
I know. This first one comes off as a little slapdash. I'm not as prepared as I'd like to be. I forgot Allison's last name because she got married at some point when I sort of lost touch with the theatre community (first kids then a global pandemic). When I was running the Southern Theater years ago I knew her as Allison Witham and haven't really seen her much since I left there in 2016. So her original last name kept running through my head while the mic was on and it was not something I could easily fix in post. I've left the conversation as is for accuracy. So to Allison (if you are reading this) I say "I'm sorry", I didn't do my job ahead of time. I definitely need to be more prepared for these. Lesson learned. 
Wanting to keep this podcast light and casual doesn't excuse a lack of preparation. 

Additionally, the line from the show that I quote I got wrong. I still struggle to write as fast as I am listening. It is a skill I will always admire in other reviewers and journalists. Here is the correct line (and my favorite one of the show):

"To whom do you build statues?
After whom do you name your streets?
These are metrics
Of your principles"


Headshot of Damon Runnals
Damon Runnals

Damon Runnals is the co-founder of Swandive Theatre with Meg DiSciorio, benevolent overlord of Minnesota Playlist, a local D&D Dungeon Master, and father to two amazing girls.