News & Notes

  • Episode 4: David Beukema


    Linda Lavin, Bubba Gump Shrimp Company, The Muppets and actor David Beukema. They all collide with hilarious consequences. Also, hear...

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  • Episode 3: Rita Boersma


    Ever wondered what monologue HUGE Theater’s Artistic Director Rita Boersma auditioned with at Park Square? It’s all right here, along...

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  • Take a day off with Mueller


    Caged children, pee tapes, Russian collusion, North Korean deal or no deals, Sarah Sanders, Mike Pence, Michael Cohen, Ivanka, Melania...

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  • Episode 2: Ben Thietje


    Deleko Arts co-founder Ben Thietje expounds on the gentle art of shopping potential theater spaces during his “sometimes theater company”...

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  • Davis and Dee


    Ruby Dee (1922-2014)

    Some years ago, a friend invited me over to watch a movie. We settled on Long Day’s...

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  • HUGE thoughts about improv


    There is a dearth of improv reviews in the Twin Cities. As someone who has been a part of the...

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  • Creating Specactors


    This past July I had the wonderful opportunity to travel to Monrovia Liberia, a country in west Africa inhabited by...

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  • Episode 1: Rachel Petrie



    Our debut episode of The Bazzness features actor/playwright Rachel Petrie. She talks about what it was like to create her...

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  • Project, people or money


    And I am back Twin Cities! Highlighting another artist and their hustle to show you all that “YES! We can...

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  • The (master)mind behind The Bazzness


    Sam Landman is a staple of the Twin Cities performing arts community. He has a deep network of collaborators and...

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  • Three Women with Something Extra


    When an actress with that something extra appears, something happens to your senses. You know that their instinct is guiding...

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