News & Notes

  • Worst Behavior


    Content Warning: Sexual Assault & Rape

    A teacher once told me that a nation’s history represents the facts of a...

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  • Closing it all out



    The last day of the Fringe is a mad dash. People running around, looking to see final shows. Everyone...

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  • Political Fringe Double Header


    I wanted to write about Fringe using the angle, “political shows.” That’s a facile premise since, as everyone knows, “all...

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  • A First Full-day Fringe Foray


    I’ve Fringed here and there in the past: I’ve seen a cute children’s play about pasta and a very…Fringe-y…play about...

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  • Judging Books by Their Covers


    What’s the phrase? “Don’t judge a book by its cover”? If you’re speaking metaphorically of people as books then yes...

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  • Comfort in Familiarity?


    I woke up this morning with a slight hangover. That's nothing unusual at Fringe time. What is unusual is that...

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  • Losing My Korean Drama Virginity


    I can’t think of a better way for me to have lost my Korean Drama virginity than to May Lee-Yang’s...

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  • A double shot Friday


    Broken English, Mother Tongue

    Javier Morillo bends toward us

    Granted, sixty minutes is not enough time for anyone to deliver...

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  • The Sunday Binge


    As a theater artist, especially as a director and producer, I try and foster as much transparency as I can...

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  • “Saree-ously Speaking: Uff-Dah!”


    Saree-ously Speaking: Uff-Dah!​ will be performing at the Rarig Thrust Stage from August 6-12 as part of the Minnesota Fringe...

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