News & Notes

  • The talent young kids have


    Johnna Johnson is a recent high school graduate of the Breck school who will be attending St. Olaf College in...

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  • Pink it may be, but Hot it is not


    It has a pop score on a sugar-high. A comprehensive course on the bend-and-snap. A gyrating marching band. Two dogs...

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  • Wild Women Do...and did!


    It’s about time that there seems to be a trend of comedic movies, tv and other entertainment that focus on...

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  • On an Island of Doubt


    If, like some people I know, you miss the caustic humor and moral horror of the cult classic Better Off...

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  • A New Path to Production


    This is the story of how a play got produced. In spite of a modest award for the play when...

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  • Safe or Nah?


    As a black, Muslim, woman, the stupidest thing I could probably do is walk into a room filled with white...

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  • Dream and create


    Masa Kawahara is a puppeteer and designer who has received the McKnight Theatre Artist Fellowship along with Elise Langer and...

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