News & Notes

  • Your Playlist Resolution


    Welcome to 2018. The turning of the proverbial calendar to an entirely new set of twelve months can provide all...

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  • Not a storm you can weather


    The good stuff

    Before we head off into the festering pit of darkness hiding at the core of this week's...

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  • Suddenly serious


    The best award show we have going this week

    It's January, which means it's award season! We can debate endlessly...

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  • 2018: It begins



    Holy crap, it's 2018.

    The last time we talked, it was still 2017. Now that year is dead and...

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  • The Theatre's Choice Awards 2018


    “I think that the need for self celebration comes from the fact that so many of us are doing this...

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  • What do you want?


    Well, 2017 is almost over. That was a fun.

    (JOY takes a long sigh.) The year was full of...

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  • Starring 2017 as itself


    2017 was a bad year for America. I know that’s technically a subjective statement, but I’m going to go ahead...

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  • Ask an admin: Whitney Bount


    Welcome to Ask an Admin, a series in which we talk with theatre administrators working in Minnesota to learn about...

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  • Mister Ziegfeld and Mister Abbott


    “Skill at entertaining, theatrical presentation or performance” is the internet definition of “showmanship.” Two men, one a producer and the...

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  • The end of 2017


    Welcome to the end of 2017, friends. We made it! Just barely, but we did it, nonetheless.

    I would normally...

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  • The impact of one


    During Fringe, you don’t always know what you’re getting yourself into. You assume that the shows will be scrappy, thrown-together...

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