News & Notes

  • An important first step


    When picking the best of something, sometimes it’s a no brainer—one thing stands alone in a field and I can...

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  • Consigned to dust


    Here we are, well into December, barreling into the cold, unfeeling blitz of winter like the train in Snowpiercer...

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  • Winter Bash 2018


    Winter can be tough for many people. It is a dark, introspective time. The act of ‘hibernating’ in these cold...

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  • It feels closer every day


    I like art that challenges me. I like prioritizing shows that push me out of my comfort zone, that strive...

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  • So many emotions


    I am not an eloquent person. Even so, when a person asks me how I liked a show I can...

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  • Ask an admin: Katie Hey


    Welcome to Ask an Admin, a series in which we talk with theatre administrators working in Minnesota to learn about...

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  • Everyman’s Christmas


    If you’re anything like me, you are a Christmas enthusiast and look forward to the next one as soon as...

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  • Our Call Time is Now


    As much as I tried, my words and thoughts these last few weeks turned to issues rather than shows. Tension...

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