News & Notes

  • A Momentary Theatre Company


    The room is silent at first, despite the eight of us sitting around the conference table. Save for one or...

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  • Florence is The Roller Derby Queen:


    SOS Theater is a new production company committed to bringing  “minnesota nice” to life. Their inaugural production of the new...

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  • Failing Forward


    Editor's note: This article marks the first in an ongoing series called "In the face of Adversity" - an exploration...

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  • Cinematic Dane


    “I think Hamlet's tragedy is that he's the sanest person in the play,” says Joel Sass, director of Park Square...

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  • Cleaning house


    There are many things I'd rather be talking about than today's topic. For example, a substitute teacher out in Utah...

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  • The ‘Wayward’ Weir


    Connor McPherson is considered one of the best contemporary Irish playwrights of our time and he’s only 46. His play...

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