News & Notes

  • How to do everything


    You're on the internet. You page through Pinterest. You watch instructional videos on YouTube. You even delve into Instructables from...

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  • Emerging Artist Profile: Trevor Bowen


    As someone who moonlights as a costume designer, I rarely ever work with other costumers. I know of others, and...

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  • The Best Banter


    Loudmouth Collective’s The Best Brothers is a feast of adjectives, a show that generates its laughs and emotional connections largely...

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  • An Open Letter from a former CTC student


    Editor's Note: MinnesotaPlaylist is a forum for conversations in the Minnesota theater community, even the difficult ones. We encourage detailed...

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  • Pictured: Previews


    "RoosevElvis kicked off the Walker Art Center's OUT THERE series with a delightful and at times heartbreaking show about America...

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  • A Queen of Mean


    There is a popular genre of theater out there that I personally struggle with, but it’s often a hard one...

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  • Joseph Haj interview


    Author's Introduction: A few weeks after I sat down to talk to the Guthrie's new Artistic Director, I was walking...

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  • Remembering Karen Landry


    Shakespeare wrote, "Give sorrow words; the grief that does not speak its name whispers the oer'fraught heart and bids it...

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