News & Notes

  • Tracking identities


    On paper, George Bonga: Black Voyageur looks like just about as straightforward a title as you could ask for, a...

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  • Welcome to the new era


    Two Gentlemen of Verona is Shakespeare’s buddy comedy, his warm-up act, or to put it even more plainly, just not...

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  • Mostly bright half life


    Tanya Barfield’s Bright Half Life is a daring undertaking: to tell the story of an interracial queer relationship in a...

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  • Must your criticism be so male?


    There’s a rift in the theater community, and anyone who reads reviews can see it. If you want an opinion...

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  • Playlist Profile: Sarah Rasmussen


    Think of this as the last of a series. Sarah Rasmussen is part of the Artistic Director Class of 2014-15...

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  • Fair (or not)


    Some things

    Before we get started in earnest, here are some things. They didn't fit organically into anything else we're...

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  • How do we change the world?


    If you know someone with endless idealism, you’ve probably envied and begrudged them by turns. It might be nice to...

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  • What have we learned?


    Joseph Haj’s production of Pericles at the Guthrie clearly needs very little introduction. As the first example of Haj’s theatrical...

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  • Out There on a Cloud


    When Yasser Mroué was seventeen years old, on the day his communist grandfather Hussein was assassinated, he was shot in...

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