News & Notes

  • Mentors, ghosts and lessons

    Directing is often a solo, and lonely, job so we asked Jeremy Cohen, Leah Cooper, Noel Raymond, Jon Ferguson, Ben...
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  • The Second Annual Winter Bash


    Latest news. . .

    We'll be giving away tickets to local theaters, and award for Unsung Heros of the local...

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  • It's not past yet


    Here's the good news

    I'll be honest. I had a lot more planned to talk about this week, but then...

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  • Reviving old musicals: Rodgers and Hart


    If anyone is responsible for transforming the musical theater of the 20th Century, without question, it’s Richard Rodgers. Partnered first...

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  • The space quest continues



    Hey there, Playlist lovers! Remember last year when the benevolent overlords at Minnesota Playlist threw a big party to...

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  • Making it up as they go along


    Spontaneity in theater should be nothing new; but securing a featured guest for your improv production mere hours before doors...

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  • Can I tip you?


    Editor’s Note: Please read this article and let us know whether you would like us to incorporate a voluntary “Benefactor”...

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  • Color (un)conscious


    Congratulations are in order

    Before we get started this week, let's give shouts out to all the people who are...

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  • Picture this


    Editor's Note: Becca Hart showed me the drawing she makes after all her theater experiences and suggested that other people...

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